Trouble logging in on ATT hot spot

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Oct 8, 2007
Panama City area
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Mainship 30 Pilot II since 2015. GB-42 1986-2015. Former Unlimited Tonnage Master
Due to the destruction of the Mediacom network in this area by Hurricane Michael, I have been forced to acquire an ATT hot spot in order communicate with vital organizations like my insurance company and have enjoyed its speed and overall effectiveness. However, I cannot log in to the Trawler Forum using the ATT device. It is the only site I have had issues with.

When I try to log in, the "Click here to login" dialog just stays there. The usual "Welcome, rgano, you last visited ....." block does not show up. I cannot post new threads nor reply to posts.

My brother used my ID and password on his Mediacom ISP and was successful in logging in, and I am currently using the hots pot on my wife's Verizon smart phone to post this.

I would say I have done my due diligence to isolate the issue to the change to the ATT hot spot.

Anybody got any ideas about how I can fix this issue?
I use my ATT iphone as a hot spot and can use TF with no problem.
I vaguely remember some issue with pages being sent as a block on ATT. If your device doesn't allow some part of the block, it glitches. It may be some form of protection or privacy on your end. Sorry I don't remember more.

May have had to do with ATT over a third-party carrier.

Me too. From 44N to 60N.

That's ATT in Alaska? Won't work in Canada?
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That's ATT in Alaska? Won't work in Canada?

Works just fine in Canada, where the southern border is 49North. In fact, I have used ATT data from 20 north to 60 degrees north without roaming charges.
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Have you tried calling AT&T? Surprisingly, their customer service is usually very helpful these days.
Works just fine in Canada, where the southern border is 49North. In fact, I have used ATT data from 20 north to 60 degrees north without roaming charges.

That is great news. It has been several years since I have been to Canada and phone issues were expensive then.
That is great news. It has been several years since I have been to Canada and phone issues were expensive then.

Yes. Verizon seems to have lead the pack, leaving AT&T no choice but to follow. We spend a few bucks extra for the "plan", but it's worth it for a couple weeks in Mexico in winter and a couple months in Canadian summer.
Check the small " remember me" box before logging on, we recently built a new home and i had to hot spot my ATT phone for a couple weeks until the net was hooked up.. I had the same issue until I clicked the remember me box.
Cannot login to the Forum on AT&T

I posted about this problem before and got no satisfactory answer, but now that I have done some more testing I thought I would reveal the results.

I have always have zero trouble logging into my account using my Mediacom ISP as well as a Verizon cell phone hotspot. This continues to be the fact.

Because of hurricane Michael damage to my home Verizon system, I bought an AT&T hotspot and immediately noted that I could not log in here. This is the only site I regularly log into which does this. This is so on several different computers.

I have just tried to log into this site from another AT&T hotspot, this time from my brother's AT&T cell phone, and get the same problem, no login. No error shows up: the screen just returns to the initial Trawler Forum Screen with the same old "Click to login" box showing.

Has anybody else seen this issue?
Well, with two diff ATT devices, one of which is ATT LTE, and another Verizon 4G LTE and several computers all pointing to ATT, it surely is a mystery here.
I don’t have a dedicated hot spot, but I do use my iPhone as a hot spot with ATT and have no problems getting into TF.
Using a Verizon Android cell phone with Chrome, I can log into TF using Verizon 4GLTE as well as when connected to a Mediacom cable network via wifi.

Using this same phone as a hotspot with Verizon 4GLTE, I can successfully log into TF from my laptop (Microsoft).

Using that same laptop tethered to an ATT cell's 4GLTE, I cannot log into TF.

Using that same ATT cell phone and connected to ATT 4GLTE with the phone's internet browser, I cannot log into TF.

When I have unsuccessful login's, here is what displays: I click on TF's login and get a welcome message, but the screen immediately returns to the TF initial screen with "Login" showing instead of "Logout" which would appear if I was truly logged in. I cannot reply or create new posts.

This maybe a regional issue in NW Florida and lower Alabama where all these tests have been carried out due to some server settings.
In what part of the world are you doing this using an ATT phone?
All your successful attempts appear to be using cellular data instead of wifi to connect. Make sure it's turned on in your device(s) that won't let you log on.

Not so. As mentioned early on, this laptop to Mediacom ISP works on TF like a charm, as it is at this moment. My brother Jim called to AT&T after he and I went through every possible combination with his Mediacom ISP, his AT&T phone, and my Verizon phone, my AT&T hotspot, and both of our computers. His many years as an IT person plus my dopey intuition both say it's clearly an AT&T related issue. The techs at AT&T took over his laptop remotely and witnessed the phnomenon for themselves and have no immediate answer, but we now have a case number assigned with them. If anybody else has the problem, they should contact AT&T tech support and have them do the same troubleshooting to
When I have unsuccessful login's, here is what displays: I click on TF's login and get a welcome message, but the screen immediately returns to the TF initial screen with "Login" showing instead of "Logout" which would appear if I was truly logged in. I cannot reply or create new posts.

If you haven't already, try checking the "Remember Me" box when you log in. I've had similar symptoms before, and CF mods got me squared away with that fix.

Check the small " remember me" box before logging on, we recently built a new home and i had to hot spot my ATT phone for a couple weeks until the net was hooked up.. I had the same issue until I clicked the remember me box.


I merged two threads together, since there wasn't a need for a new one to revisit an existing issue.

The information was provided (above) and verified by other users.

Have you tried this yet?
Make sure your device allows cookie exchange with the site. We use these to keep you logged in and if your device is purging this info at page changes (super high security settings or "no Track' enabled) You may be getting logged out immediately after you are logged in. You can also try ticking the "remember me" box...

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