Exumas - 2019 Version

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May 11, 2014
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Grand Alaskan 53
Will be untying and heading out of Lake Worth Inlet in about an hour.

15kts from the ESE and then SE, three footers at five seconds.

If anyone else is going over this morning give us a holler! AIS will be on.
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Have a safe crossing. Sounds like it could be a bumpy morning.
Wifey B: Won't be bad in his boat. Looks like the weekend is going to be wonderful. We couldn't wait to had to head out and to Miami this morning. Waves today sort of funny as the swell actually reduces their impact. The wind waves are like 3' at 4 seconds but the primary swell is 2' at 6 or 7 seconds and the secondary is 1' at 8 seconds and since all are from the east or NE or SE, but basically east, the swell makes it better than it would be with just the wind waves. Plus he's headed into it so even better. We played sailor and tacked a little plus used speed to our benefit. Beautiful day in Paradise. :)
Looks like he is there.


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I have a sinking feeling.
Just got a taxi up to get my BTC SIM card. So back on line. I kept my SiM card from last year but I now know that unless you put a few bucks on it every 90 days and make at least one call it gets cancelled!

Here safe and sound. As mentioned the waves were around three. But the swells were a bit bigger and stacked, plus right on the nose so we hobby horsed all the way! Boat covered in salt.

We awoke to a couple of issues that I have been working on so we have delayed our run to the Berries and Exuma by a day. Weather window for that still OK. More in the issues in the first trip blog post - one was an exploded Vacuflush bellows!
We awoke to a couple of issues that I have been working on so we have delayed our run to the Berries and Exuma by a day. Weather window for that still OK. More in the issues in the first trip blog post - one was an exploded Vacuflush bellows!

Always have one complete rebuild kit for the head.
It could also be that the hose between the stool and the tank is plugged up too.
If you have an atmosphere filter on the vent line, remove it. Once it gets wet it is of no value.
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Wifey B: Sure was beautiful out today. Same along the coast as in the Bahamas. 1' at 4 seconds. :D
I ain't posting the pics. It is a massive bellows issue!

I have brought a whisper upgrade kit with me. I was going to upgrade the guest unit with it - since I have to work on the master I will put it in there!
Nice start to the day. On our way from Lucaya to Cabbage Cay in the Berries - a suitable stop for St Patrick's Day!


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Have a great day, enjoy every moment....you are very lucky to be there....
Heading back to Lucaya. Our water heater started pouring water. From somewhere inside and high up. I suspect I need a replacement. We considered just going on and dealing with cold showers (for three months!) - but decided to get it fixed.

Looking at Knowles Boat yard. Does, anyone have experience with them or anyone else over here?

A friend, C-Shels used them for head gaskets on his Cats. He was pleased with their work.
Heading back to Lucaya. Our water heater started pouring water. From somewhere inside and high up. I suspect I need a replacement. We considered just going on and dealing with cold showers (for three months!) - but decided to get it fixed.

Looking at Knowles Boat yard. Does, anyone have experience with them or anyone else over here?


I suspect you could deal with cold showers. Your mate not so much. So, in the interest of harmony and peace, you have elected to seek a replacement.
Wise man.
Ahh, working on the boat in exotic places!

Sorry for the troubles tho....

How old was your water heater? Mine is about 10 years old so now I wonder if it will go soon.

Final thought:
This thread reminds me why I hate marine toilets! [emoji51]
Ahh, working on the boat in exotic places!

Sorry for the troubles tho....

How old was your water heater? Mine is about 10 years old so now I wonder if it will go soon.

Final thought:
This thread reminds me why I hate marine toilets! [emoji51]

LOL You really want to hate marine toilets? On submarines they pressurize the sanitary tank and blow the contents to sea. A metal sign hangs on each crapper stall when the tank is pressurized. You cycle the ball valve you vent the tank inboard, contents and all. You do it, you clean it up. Aint pretty.
LOL You really want to hate marine toilets? On submarines they pressurize the sanitary tank and blow the contents to sea. A metal sign hangs on each crapper stall when the tank is pressurized. You cycle the ball valve you vent the tank inboard, contents and all. You do it, you clean it up. Aint pretty.

Oh. Sh$t. [emoji15]
Wifey B: You dudes put this thread in the crapper. :nonono::mad:

On the other side, seas were beautiful again today, but by Tuesday they're 9' at 7 seconds. Oh well. I'm flying to Anguilla tomorrow so won't be impacted. Hope the seas are nice there as we have a hobie where we're staying and chartering a Lagoon one day. Crewed. Not about to do all the work a sailboat requires. We have plans for the Lagoon. :)
I don't have personal experience with Knowles, But I've heard good things about them.
Obviously nothing was going to happen with the water heater today, being Sunday, so I decided to swap out the Vacuflush bellows (found the little O ring had gone AWOL, and zero sign of the big O ring).

Got everything installed, needed to bump the motor to align the bellows bolt, and the motor did not run. Checked all the wiring, used a screwdriver to activate the vacuum switch. NADA.

By that time I had enough, so will look at it again tomorrow, or add that to the Knowles list!

Cleaned up (cold shower) and hit the marina for for a couple of well deserved Sands and a fish sammich!
I have used Knowles several times over the last 20 years, though not recently. they seemed like a jack of all trades outfit and could do almost anything. Work was generally satisfactory, although a little slow and somewhat expensive. I hear tell that business and the economy in general is bad in that area so they might welcome your business.
Mike, I really don't have much choice. Either have them replace it, do without warm showers for three months, or head back to Jacksonville.

They have sourced one in Fort Lauderdale and he is flying over to pick it up today. It will be installed tomorrow so hopefully we will continue south on Friday. The forecast looks good between here and Exuma Friday and Saturday.
Whew, glad to hear you have a solution in the works. Gotta keep the boss happy with long hot showers!
If it is a BTC SIM card throw it overboard and get ALIVE ! Cheaper better and never cancels. Load it online. BTC sucks, they send you a bunch of messages then charge you for them!
If it is a BTC SIM card throw it overboard and get ALIVE ! Cheaper better and never cancels. Load it online. BTC sucks, they send you a bunch of messages then charge you for them!

Aliv has no coverage in the Exumas.
Water heater installed in less than two hours yesterday morning. We left immediately and made Great Harbour anchorage in the Berrys. Weather wasn't great for crossing the Northwest Channel to New Providence today, so we went a couple of hours down to Cabbage Cay, ready to jump to Exuma tomorrow.

Nearly there, AND we had hot showers last night!
Water heater installed in less than two hours yesterday morning. We left immediately and made Great Harbour anchorage in the Berrys. Weather wasn't great for crossing the Northwest Channel to New Providence today, so we went a couple of hours down to Cabbage Cay, ready to jump to Exuma tomorrow.

Nearly there, AND we had hot showers last night!

A now that's progress. Wifie happy.

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