Look at the cool Advertisements!

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 24, 2011
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I love the Bayliner advertisements up above!

I just wish they had continued to build motoryachts! :)
Advertisements? :ermm:

Am I missing something?:huh:

Are you pulling a fast one on us?:hide:

I am confused. :blush:
That's a Google Ad.

Google often shows you ads based on the content of the page you are viewing, we also show some ads based on the types of websites you visit, view, or where you interact with an ad or other Google product supported by Google's advertising services.

Mine happens to show Toyotas now as I had just visited a Land Cruiser forum.
Where are you guys seeing these ads?
I don't see any ads up there. :nonono:
I see Jeep Wranglers and I don't do SUVs.
Apparently Larry Page thinks you should consider doing SUVs...
Now I'm seeing an ad for a thing called a boat loop. What a cool invention!
I am in Palma at the moment and the ads come up in Spanish.

I don't mind the ads generally but when they have flashing or moving content and sounds then it is going too far. They should not detract from the page or its contents and that sort of banner advertising is the lowest and worst as far as abusing the user is concerned.

I would rather pay a subscription than have that crap force fed.
I don't mind the ads generally but when they have flashing or moving content and sounds then it is going too far. They should not detract from the page or its contents and that sort of banner advertising is the lowest and worst as far as abusing the user is concerned.

I agree with this 100%. About the only thing worse is the rollover banner ads that take over the page. I've stopped visiting sites that use them.
This looks like the start of the down hill slide into PMM oblivion.
We will be getting direct e-mails next.
I thought I paid some subscription to stop this sort of crap.
Picky picky picky. The ad I see is pretty unobtrusive.

My only thought is that since it's currently for Tide detergent, somebody must have spotted me returning from the marina in my "boat shirt". :mad:
I have slow limited internet access here. When I have to wait for ad banners to load I move on.
I suspect the time is near.
Such ads are now so ubiquitous I didn't even notice until pointed out. I thought all men had the ability to tune out noise they don't want to hear; like crying babies, nagging wives, etc.
I don't see any ads. Could be because I have Adblock Plus on my PC.
I think its cool!

Yesterday I was searching for a large dewatering pump online.

Today on TF I see ads for large dewatering pumps.

To those complaining about the ads in general...

Nothing is free. Websites like this one provide a service. We pay for that service by seeing a unobtrusive ad at the top of the page.

Its not a downhill slide, its the reality of internet based content. Someone has to pay. Same at my local paper, or Drudge Report. Advertisements pay for the content.
....My add says that violence will not win elections. This is the propaganda of Hugo Chavez oposition in Venezuela
The ad I see is pretty unobtrusive.

Don't worry, before you know it you will get blasted with some noisy, rude, and flashing piece of invasive art that will make you leave the page because it is the only way to get rid of the annoyance.

I think the management should limit ads to silent, static versions of print ads that don't waste bandwidth or patience with low-brow ad gimmicks.
Wish I could add something to the discussion but I still have no ads on any of the TF pages.None up top,none on the sides,and none at the bottom.I have no ad blocking add ons.I did have adblock plus but Aurora or Nightly browser doesn't currently support it.My latest updates disabled it.
Apparently Larry Page thinks you should consider doing SUVs...

Well, now he wants me to do a review on washers & dryers for Consumer Reports.

Considering that I actually did that a week or so ago, it's kind of scary that somehow it morphed into an ad on Trawler Forum.

But having said that, I find the current presentation of the ads unobtrusive, and if they stay in their current format I'll be quite happy.
I have asked for rates so that I can advertise on this site and aggravate all you guys!
Well how big of you. Never let it be said that Tucker won't go that extra mile. Go for it YBG!!!! You've been of great service to several people I know.
Such ads are now so ubiquitous I didn't even notice until pointed out. I thought all men had the ability to tune out noise they don't want to hear; like crying babies, nagging wives, etc.

Tune out?:ermm: Most guys can't hear themselves f*rt.:hide:
I didn't even notice until you pointed it out. Could be worse. My membership is still free... :flowers:
The advertisements appear to be individually targeted. The most-frequently presented advertisement for me is for maritime space on Mare Island, a fraction of a mile from my berth.

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The advertisements appear to be individually targeted. The most-frequently presented advertisement for me is for maritime space on Mare Island, a fraction of a mile from my berth.

Yes - as you presumed, ads are based on a number of things including your location, pages you've visited recently and even content on the page you are currently viewing. The ads are fed by google and each member may see different content.

The advertising helps offset the cost of maintaining the site, hosting fees, programmers, etc and if you find them unbearable there are adblock programs out there that can help (but you didn't hear it from me).

Hopefully you'll find the ads to be about things you are currently interested in. I'm seeing ads for underwater cameras (which I have a need for) and nail polish (which I have no use for) currently ... :flowers:
All I see are ads about enlarging my u know what!!!:facepalm:
No just joking, I don't see anything?
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