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Robt Beebe 49-10 Passagemaker in steel for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2018
Age is creeping up on us so after 18 years of extensive cruising and upgrades, we're considering selling MOJO, our Robert Beebe designed (#112) Passagemaker 49-10 in steel. If seriously interested, please PM me. For details and lots of pictures, please see MOJO Home

MOJO is currently lying in Virginia off the Potomac River.

We have no idea what she's worth! We have over $250K in her but that's meaningless. We're open to offers.
Per my original post, MOJO is lying in Virginia on the south side of the Potomac River.
What a pretty little ship. In layout, she reminds me of diesel duck but with the passageway on starboard and the galley up.

One lottery ticket away!
She's a pretty one, but a bit of a niche. She lacks some upper deck space of designs for recreational cruising (carrying freight needs a lower hold to lower the mass).

It would help if you put a stake in the post with an asking price.
She's a pretty one, but a bit of a niche. She lacks some upper deck space of designs for recreational cruising (carrying freight needs a lower hold to lower the mass).

It would help if you put a stake in the post with an asking price.

Not sure what you mean re upper deck space. She's very comfortable for cruising and entertaining. Re price, we're open to offers as we have no idea what the market is.
What carrying freight?

She's a pretty one, but a bit of a niche. She lacks some upper deck space of designs for recreational cruising (carrying freight needs a lower hold to lower the mass).

It would help if you put a stake in the post with an asking price.
Steel is loved , and valued far more in Euroland , where it has a long recreational history.

Can you find a Euro broker?
Steel is loved , and valued far more in Euroland , where it has a long recreational history.

Can you find a Euro broker?

I think the idea of ​​selling Europe can be tricky / impossible, I apologize for :hide:.

A few things: the sale price is added to the addition of freight + customs and these costs will be added tax about 20-25% depending on the state.

Another inconvenience is CE, the trawler is not CE-certificat and in addition, the diesel engines hold to be CE approved, i think? The boat could receive a CE certificate with pay of about 5000 to 7,000 €, but the engines are already manufactured in CE versions of the factory and this is big job replacemet engines.

Electric systems and equipment should be 50hz 230V.

Everything good to get a new owner for your wonderful Trawler.:thumb:

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I thought perhaps the CE stuff might be grandfathered?
That would be the perfect boat for us. The only deal killer is that very steep staircase.

Originally the boat had a spiral staircase but the previous owner removed it in favor of the current design. When I first looked at the boat I had similar thoughts. But, in reality, the stairs haven't been a problem. My wife has had both hips replaced twice since we've owned the boat and she hasn't had any problems at all with the stairs. They have railings on the sides and at top so even in a seaway you feel very secure navigating them. Also, we've found that we tend to spend our days "up top" in the deck house and in reality don't make that many trips up and down. My wife likes the boat because she says it essentially all on one level, either up top or down below, but not up and down 2-3 steps for every 5 steps you take like other layouts.
She looks to be a well laid out and heavily built little ship, very nice. Must have many great memories of her after nearly 2 decades.

Fair winds
She's been a great boat for us with thousands of miles cruising. But, it's time for the next owners to begin their adventures!
I'd really like to see a price on this. It looks like a functional boat in good mechanical condition but the fit and finish are amateur and one off custom. I have no idea how to value such a thing and I don't want to just "make an offer".

You might not know what the boat is worth either, but you can know what you're willing to sell her for. Why don't you give that some thought and let us all know?
I've updated the web site to show an asking price of $189,900. As stated, we have no idea what the market value of the boat is but it seems folks want a starting point! We're willing to listen to any reasonable offers. If interested, please respond via the e-mail shown on the Introduction page of the web site, www.mvmojo.com
Wonderful blue water little ship. Love steel for a lot of reasons. Would you summarize what's involved in maintaining a steel boat regarding corrosion or other issues? I have a feeling it's ongoing (e.g. brightwork) in that regard, but have no idea.
Wonderful blue water little ship. Love steel for a lot of reasons. Would you summarize what's involved in maintaining a steel boat regarding corrosion or other issues? I have a feeling it's ongoing (e.g. brightwork) in that regard, but have no idea.

Our prior boat was a 42' fiberglass sail boat. I'm convinced that maintaining a steel boat isn't a lot different than maintaining a f/g boat. With steel, you just have to keep paint on her, which is a lot less work than repairing, waxing & polishing f/g. And, unlike fiberglass repairs, almost anybody can paint! The previous owner recommended going around the exterior once a month and taking care of any rust by simply grinding it out with a dremel, etc., putting a dab of rust converter (like Corroseal) on it then painting. Maybe an hour or two of work?? For marina dings, etc., our rub rail is made from 2" half pipe welded to the hull. If we rub against pilings hard enough to scrape paint off, a few swipes with a brush and all is well again. Bolting on a rubber or wooden rub rail would eliminate even that, but I've never really felt the need. For the bottom we have always used Ameron ABC-3 bottom paint. It is rated as a 5 year commercial ship paint and is a lot less expensive and more effective than your typical West Marine offerings. We typically haul and paint every 4 years. Each time we haul I feel like we could have gone at least another year! At haul-out, zincs are checked and if needed, new ones are welded on. Most yards have someone who can do simple welding so it's no big deal. Early on I thought about having bolts welded to the hull so I could change zincs underwater by just removing a nut/lock washer, but our zincs seem to last a very long time so I've never gotten around to that. Last month we just completed a top to bottom paint job where the overhead, deck house sides, topsides and bottom were aggressively sanded, a handful of rust spots ground to bare steel and prepped with inorganic zinc chromate primer, the entire boat painted with 2-part Bar-Rust 235 epoxy and then top coated with Amercoat 450 HSG urethane paint especially formulated for steel. Paint on a steel boat is typically rolled on so it's fast and easy. In 18 years, it's the first time we've done more than just partial painting where needed, but we decided it was time to do the entire boat so the next owner would have a "new" exterior and a new bottom! Hope this helps.
Great summary, gives a feel for steel maintenance, thanks. If it was just me, we'd be selling ours tomorrow and buying MOJO. True blue water ship, weii-equipped, steel, comfortable, legendary design, all for less than 200k. She really appeals alot. GLWTS.
Still for sale

Age is creeping up on us so after 18 years of extensive cruising and upgrades, we're considering selling MOJO, our Robert Beebe designed (#112) Passagemaker 49-10 in steel. If seriously interested, please PM me. For details and lots of pictures, please see MOJO Home

MOJO is currently lying in Virginia off the Potomac River.


Please show more pictures, Thanks David
Where your MOJO lies

Per my original post, MOJO is lying in Virginia on the south side of the Potomac River.

Is this still her location as of the New Year?
Interested and have the funds. Gotta convince wife
that I am still young enough to do the Circumnavigation.

I am pretty sure this is the right boat to do what I has been my life's goal.

I am also pretty sure we are your best candidates for a reasonable and painless sale.

It will require a ton of dedication and a very long initial shakedown run to my current homeport in San Carlos/Nueva Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico on the Sea of Cortez/Gulfo de California.

Darrin Jones - MexicoEcoResort@gmail.com (256) 214-0633 cell

Thank You.
Love this boat! I would consider it ideal for my plans. Unfortunately the stairs are an issue with two large dogs. Good Luck with your sale!
You could easily reconfigure the stairs to make an 90 and not be as steep. The boat originally had a spiral stairway there but the previous owner took it out and put in the straight stairs.
MOJO is seriously for sale!

Professionally painted top to bottom August 2018.

Please see www.mvmojo.com for lots of pictures - click the links at the top or bottom of each page, i.e., "Exterior Tour", "Interior Tour", etc.

Asking price is $189,900 but we're open to any serious offer.

Currently lying on the South side of the Potomac River in Virginia with plans to cruise to New England for the summer. MOJO is a true "Little Ship", designed by Robert P. Beebe, author of "Voyaging Under Power". Many more details on the web site, www.mvmojo.com

Contact is mvmojoforsale@gmail.com.
Mojo, I have got to stop looking at 'boat for sale'. You have a beautiful looking boat. My observations are only personal preferences...
1. Hydraulic stabilizers
2. More interior teak in selected areas.
I hope the new owner takes advantage of its proven capability.
Beebe said in "Voyaging Under Power" (1st ed.) that ideally you would have both paravanes & hydraulic stabilizers but if you could only have one he'd strongly recommend paravanes. Hydraulics could be added to MOJO fairly easily, plenty of room in the bilges.

Much of the interior is cherry, which we prefer (and is MUCH cheaper) than teak. But given the interior layout, there are infinite possibilities!
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