Recent content by Rickized

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  1. Rickized

    Interesting boats

    In the photo of the black tug. I like the aft stern line dragging in the water! Right by the prop, what could possibly go wrong?
  2. Rickized

    Interesting boats

    !st off if you have not been off shore in any of Dashew's boats either sail or power, you have no idea about the ride quality! Like I said earlier We sea trailed Windhorse on a very nasty day. We were not interested how it was at the dock or light sea states, We wanted the opportunity to see...
  3. Rickized

    Interesting boats

    Dashews web site. The boats are incredible, read Steves bio. Steve is a speed junky, and all of His boats surf straight as an arrow. Read about Beowoulf. We sea trailed Wind Horse, every sea state and direction was great. Had hull 2 (FPB 64) under contract for a...
  4. Rickized

    Voyager for sale

    following links for Ed's Piano (1st Willard I owned) Hank (peters old boat) Little Toot (Voyger currently for sale on Craigslist SF) and Cora (Bambino which is at the top of this thread)
  5. Rickized

    Voyager for sale

    Knot Again was hull number 4. A friend owned your old boat which was named Hank at the time, He sold it to a gentleman named Bob who motored south from SF to Channel Islands Harbor (Oxnard) a few years later He took the boat to Anacortes. Here is a link to Knot Again after I restored it...
  6. Rickized

    Voyager for sale

    Voyger Wow 11 years later and people are still reading old threads. The first Voyger I saw was called Lil Toot from Jackson Hole Wy. I buddy boated with them on My Searcher 30 named Y-Me in 1990 Which was sold and became Ed's Piano which was in Brownsville wa, I saw it listed earlier this...
  7. Rickized

    For Willy...

    Is that Hobie Alders catamaran?
  8. Rickized

    For Sale: Cruise the french canals and mediterranean sea

    For US citizens visiting the EU or considering buying a boat in Europe, this is a good read.
  9. Rickized

    Pairadice and ASD Alaska Adventure 2017

    Use your dinghy davit, takes awhile but your just pressing a button. Hoist tie it off rehook, lift again etc etc.
  10. Rickized

    Is a sailboat really "cheaper" than a trawler?

    Oop's here is the link. SetSail FPB » Blog Archive » Operating Costs – Sail Vs Power Rick
  11. Rickized

    Is a sailboat really "cheaper" than a trawler?

    Here is a good read comparing costs. What Steve compares are of equal build and comfort. Rick
  12. Rickized

    Disappointed with Ganges Marina

    Why did't you just go to Salt Spring Marina, the Government dock or anchor out? Rick
  13. ERV and Roami'n

    ERV and Roami'n

    Land and Sea travels
  14. Rickized

    The long way home

    Here are the pic's Noordzee Kotter for sale on YachtFocus
  15. Rickized

    Interesting boats

    Try and Photo shop this one! This boat is for sale in the San Francisco area. I think someone thought the Photo Shopping done on some of the boats were of real boats. Enjoy Big House Boat
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