Greeting from Carpe Diem

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Jul 21, 2023
Hello everyone!
Just wanted to introduce ourselves to this group.
We are Lesli & Robert and our homeport is located in Haverstraw, NY on the Hudson River.
We had purchased a 1989 Hatteras 40 DC to do the Loop but that could not happen so we put the Hatteras on the market and we purchased a 2002 Mainship 390.

We are planning on starting the Loop next year so in the meantime; I want to install solar panels like "Stay Cool" did. If you would like to see their set up; you can visit their YT channel called "Stay Cool".

If you would like to check out our YT channel; please visit "Carpe Diem with Lesli" (no "E" at end of lesli).

Thank you all for all the input and advise that you can provide us to get prepared and for solar energy.
Can't wait to read all your comments!
Lesli & Robert Halprin
Carpe Diem
Welcome aboard. I follow that channel and will add yours to my list as well .

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