Thank You to the Supporters
And you are utterly clueless with your lack of knowledge of boat handling and what you saw and choose to build your case by what a nice family he has and other irrelevant side stories.
I don't know the specifics but I feel certain there was something else in play other than just the waves. There's a reason this boat flipped and sank and it's not just Lady Luck.
First let me say, my reply above (I tried posting it 2-nights ago) got Flagged because I'm a New-B and it had a Link in it (I have apologized to Moderators for that)...
I didn't realize it got flagged, all I knew was it didn't show up...
BUT, I ended up being Glad it didn't get posted (when I wrote it) because I changed what I said in my "next try" to NOT say CD is Clueless (even thought he repeatedly attacked my details, character and credibility)...
BandB You don't know me "either" so to assume I have no experience? couldn't be further from Facts...
I Grew Up on and around boats, Small and Large which included working at multiple marinas (like Spencer Marine = yachts) when I was young...
I've been "out there" on 24Ft boat (on the way back from Bahamas) when the waves got so high (and close together) that it took Two of us to keep the boat afloat = one steering and me on the Throttles (and we still ended up taking some water over the stern at one point), so again Your Assumption that I have no experience? is Incorrect
I had also added in depth details about the Original Video that's being "questioned"??? But that reply also didn't appear either...
Below is that reply minus repeated copy and Video Link since I see now that reply-1 IS on here now...
diver dave You are correct on my aircraft analogy...
IMO It was a chain of events that unfortunately ended in tragedy for the boat owner = not accident.
CDreamer This Sir. will be my last reply to anything you reply towards me, when I'm trying to explain what, why and how(s).
1: I have powerful binoculars to watch for boats, not from ground/water level but from on top of the Jetty so I actually had to wait for the boat to get closer before I took off to fly out to it.
2: I met the boat about 1/4 mile or so out and watching/seeing the waves over and over and over in HD on a 24" monitor = yes you can see what the wave actions were.
3: Since the wind was blowing towards shore, yes myself and several other people "that witnessed this from the Jetty" (some of us talked about it after I landed) all heard his motor/throttle actions starting maybe 150 yards offshore. And because the boat went down "less than 200Ft from where I was standing", I can say with 100% confidence that he was Off-Throttle twice before going over and Surfing down the wave into the swell that came over the bow.
adding this here now BandB IMO, giving it throttle while it was on it's way down the wave would have only punched it into the swell quicker since 1: Inboard Engine rather than Outboard, 2: the boat/bow was heavy and riding low...
4: Lastly, "the time from when Drone took off to when the boat rolled" was 1:12, "he" first got to the jetty/rocks at 2:50, he swam around the end of the jetty and got on the surfboard at 4:10, his foot first touched bottom at 5:24, it was obvious to me that he was going to make it to Dry Land at 6:00...
The last 1/2 of the video was flying out and around the debris which was surprisingly far offshore in 6:00 (plus I followed a tow boat that was out there searching), so the time I came back in and landed was aprox. 12-minutes total.
It was cool to see that two Fire Trucks were in the parking lot by then