Your question is reasonable for you to ask, but not easily answered without a very long response and someone having to do the work that you should likely be doing yourself. I respectfully suggest that you spend days on end looking through yachtworld, boat trader, craigslist, Ebay, and every marina you can possibly think of and then come back with questions about boats that you found interesting. It can be fun and quite informative to look over the pictures and specifications for the boats that catch your eye. Based on your description the possible suggestions could be many. My refinement of what I think I would like has changed quite a bit with the time and effort I have spent in looking at boats online and in person. I looked at a boat this week that I was VERY interested in. Once I got into the engine room my dreams blew up like a ballon full of smoke. Very often you will not know what a boat "is" until you are on it.
Ease of maintenance does sound like a single with a bow thruster (or stern , but at least one).
Flybridge and comfortable bed is nearly 65% or more of the trawlers in the world.
Does speed matter at all? Galley up or down? Will you have guests often? If it is just the two of you make sure she can get around the boat easily and safely for docking and while at sea. Do you have a "must come with" pet? How often do you swim or use a tender (water access)? Are you physically large or impaired in any important way? How important is resale (do you expect to move up or move on sooner)?
By the time I better understood what I really wanted, and more importantly needed, the number of boats available to me was far, far more limited.