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May 11, 2014
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Grand Alaskan 53
Many of us here in the US will have come across Delilah on the radio.

I have never actually tuned my car radio into one of her syndicated stations, but a good number of times I have found myself listening to her when I picked up a rental car at an airport when on business and the radio was tuned to her late evening broadcast.

I, like one of the commentators on the following, initially found her a bit sugary, but she grew on me.

While on our recent road trip we listened to a good number of podcasts. We ignored all of the political and COVID ones, picking out others of interest. One on Cher for example.

Then there was this one on Delilah.

Have a listen if you have the time. Don't read the text, click on the play button. I think you will enjoy it.
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A lot of people really connect with their emotional sides this way. While I understand that, I don’t share it. The whole misery company, let’s all share thing. For me, driving frequently alone with my dog, if Delilah comes on the radio, I feel like I want to jerk the wheel and drive into a tree. Kind of like the Hallmark channel that my wife has my entire TIVO hard drive full of. The stories are simple, to me fake and manufactured and predictably simplistic. Like they are written by a six year old who doesn’t understand life yet. I find their tone strangely depressing which is Ironic sine they are supposed to be happy stories. Just doesn’t work for me. Neither does Delilah. But hey, if you enjoy it, more power to you, just don’t make me suffer with you.
...For me, driving frequently alone with my dog, if Delilah comes on the radio, I feel like I want to jerk the wheel and drive into a tree...

HA! That's hilarious, I have the same reaction. And I can never get that ear-worm jingle out of my head, that one word song "Deeeliiiilahhhhhh…" I used to have a junky radio in my wood shop and late at night that was the only program that came in clearly so I had no choice, but I probably made barfing noises all night long. I haven't bothered to google, but as I recall she adopted like 52 kids and overcame some incredibly tough stuff, but the sentimentality and emotionalism makes my teeth hurt. I never have understood the desire to spill your guts and pain to thousands of anonymous radio listeners but as you say, to each his own. She sounds like a very strong, admirable person in many ways and crowds of people love the show, good for them, but...

(Okay, I'll confess, my wife and I even mock the show with made-up phone calls. Delilah, this is the anniversary of my grandmother Sadie's death. She was sucked into a wood chipper on Christmas Eve, trying to make wood chips to keep her grandbabies warm in the house she built out of pallet wood. My oldest cousin tried to pull her out but he knocked over an oil lamp which set the house on fire and killed our dog, and then my mother was killed in a car accident that same night driving our burnt dog to the vet hoping to resuscitate it. So can I please hear the Christmas song "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" to remember her by? [I know, we're really bad.])
OK, any further talk of Delilah or Hallmark movies will result in immediate revocation of your man cards!
OK, any further talk of Delilah or Hallmark movies will result in immediate revocation of your man cards!

Amen to that...
HA! That's hilarious, I have the same reaction. And I can never get that ear-worm jingle out of my head, that one word song "Deeeliiiilahhhhhh…" I used to have a junky radio in my wood shop and late at night that was the only program that came in clearly so I had no choice, but I probably made barfing noises all night long. I haven't bothered to google, but as I recall she adopted like 52 kids and overcame some incredibly tough stuff, but the sentimentality and emotionalism makes my teeth hurt. I never have understood the desire to spill your guts and pain to thousands of anonymous radio listeners but as you say, to each his own. She sounds like a very strong, admirable person in many ways and crowds of people love the show, good for them, but...

(Okay, I'll confess, my wife and I even mock the show with made-up phone calls. Delilah, this is the anniversary of my grandmother Sadie's death. She was sucked into a wood chipper on Christmas Eve, trying to make wood chips to keep her grandbabies warm in the house she built out of pallet wood. My oldest cousin tried to pull her out but he knocked over an oil lamp which set the house on fire and killed our dog, and then my mother was killed in a car accident that same night driving our burnt dog to the vet hoping to resuscitate it. So can I please hear the Christmas song "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" to remember her by? [I know, we're really bad.])

Why did you have to mess with the dog?
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