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Ocean Alexander For Sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Dec 2, 2007
Vessel Name
Amazing Grace
Vessel Make
Ocean Alexander 52 Sedan
Some of you may recall the posts describing the refit we undertook in the winter 2018-2019. Our new to us 52 Ocean Alexander spent the winter in Miami at Cay Marine where she was treated to a full mechanical and cosmetic refit.
Unfortunately, I suffered cardiac arrest this spring, from which I have fully recovered. but the 10 days I spent on a ventilator led to a Tracheostomy and we need to sell Amazing Grace. I can't go near the water with a hole in my neck.
She is listed on Yachtworld at $615,000 with our son at Denison Yachting in Miami; the boat is currently in Hampton, VA. She is NOT a project boat; nor was she in bad shape when we bought her. We had owned an older Grand Banks for 10 years and wanted something a little bigger and capable of higher speeds. as this was our "last boat" (who knew it would only last 18 months?) I spared no expense in the refit; she loos like a new boat. The link below should take you to the listing.

I am very glad you survived and I hope you enjoy the rest of your life, with the new restrictions.
Per your boat, I hope you find a new owner is worthy and who will appreciate all your upgrades.
Be safe, stay healthy.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune and wish you a full recovery and a speedy sale for your boat. Stay well.
Thanks guys. I'm glad I had her for awhile.
Did I miss the engine room photos? It is a beauty.
The photos on Yachtworld are some our son took on her maiden voyage from Miami to Hampton in June 2019. As we were underway, and he was only onboard for 2 days, he was not in the ER.
He has a photographer taking more, and complete pics soon (this week?)which will replace the current photos. Will took his with an iPhone.
The yacht world link I posted earlier has been updated with a few ER pics. Survey on Monday.
Awfully sorry to hear about your crisis, Bill, and the effects on your boating life. Here's wishing you peace and health in all things, and of course good luck with the sale.
THAT is a beautiful boat, no question about that.

I'm curious though, why do you feel you can't go near water with a trach hole?

Giving up the boat

It's a common thing to give up boating do to health reasons, but it is a sad thing all the same. It's something no one looks forward to especially me. Unfortunately, the older one gets the closer that day comes.

The best to you going forward with out your boat.
Who ever shot the Pics knows how to sell a boat. Good job with the add. The boat doesn’t suit my style but that doesn’t stop me from appreciating how nice that boat is.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.

Good health!
GLWTS - love those OA!! This one would be no exception. She's a looker!
She’s a beauty. Best to you in your redirected course....always full of possibilities.
Thanks, guys. Every Dr. I talked to told me the same thing; fall in the water, off the dock, boat, that hole will permit water to go straight to your lungs. If I don't drown I'll have the worst case of Pneumonia imaginable. I've had Pneumonia, no fun, haven't drowned yet but suspect that's worse. What nobody told me, breathing with the tube is far better than a blocked airway but it is not as good as breathing "naturally". For those who like me, had no idea how this thing worked; I now have 3 tubes, my trachea, inside that is an outer cannula (plastic tube) and inside that is a smaller cannula. Each is slightly smaller in diameter, reducing the airflow. I'm not complaining, beats not breathing. I know guys who have returned from the sandbox with no arms or legs, they have a bigger adjustment than me.
Selling the boat is not what I want to do but right now it is what I should do.
Best of luck. That’s a beautiful boat, somebody will be lucky to get her.
I had hoped to bump into you in the boating community since you're also in the Northern Neck but priorities change as we continue on with life so maybe we'll still cross paths somewhere on land, instead! Although no doubt it's an inconvenience to have a tube, like you said, better than not breathing at all. I'm glad your health has improved and the water will always be there for you ,should you decide to get your feet wet again.

You did a wonderful job on the refit. Wish I could afford her but she should sell well!
Sorry you have to let her go but our bodies betray us as we age!
May God keep you health and help you sell the boat to the right owner!
I should have posted this last month; the procedures undertaken to reverse my Tracheostomy were successful. I am now able to breathe as God made me, although maybe not quite as good as a year ago. So no marathons in my future but I can get on my boat and take her to sea. I wasn't planning on running a marathon anyway.
Thanks for all of the support and prayers. Hope to see you on the water.
I should have posted this last month; the procedures undertaken to reverse my Tracheostomy were successful. I am now able to breathe as God made me, although maybe not quite as good as a year ago. So no marathons in my future but I can get on my boat and take her to sea. I wasn't planning on running a marathon anyway.
Thanks for all of the support and prayers. Hope to see you on the water.

Fantastic!!! Glad things are going in your favor.
Great news
I will leave your ad for a short while before archiving it.
Hope all goes well for you.

The Site Team
Glad things are looking up for you. Hope you can enjoy your beautiful boat now and for a long time.
Wonderful news. Enjoy your beautiful boat.
That is really good news. So glad you will get to enjoy your boat after all that!
Good Luck and a Happy Ending--so, Ironically-glad it didn't sell!
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