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    • BroadCove
      BroadCove replied to the thread Freezer Power Use Issue.
      Two thoughts: 1) I didn't have an outside freezer, but I had a bimini to transom shade made that dramatically reduced heat. It was a...
    • BroadCove
      BroadCove replied to the thread Testing a mooring buoy.
      Here's a comparison of helical v blocks: Helical Anchors: The Superior Choice for Mooring Applications - Pile Buck Magazine.
    • BroadCove
      BroadCove replied to the thread Testing a mooring buoy.
      Agreed, it's usually the hardware which fails, chain or shackles. Concrete or granite (esp in new England) blocks are common, as are...
    • BroadCove
      BroadCove replied to the thread Testing a mooring buoy.
      There are so many things to consider - and worry about - when boating. I'm going to put this in the bucket of: don't worry about it. I'm...
    • BroadCove
      BroadCove replied to the thread Funny story....
      In Maine, moorings are regulated by the town. IIRC, the Goslings are in Yarmouth (I was in neighboring Cumberland - Town - for 20...
    • BroadCove
      While actually cruising (on anchor), I generally did yoga and bodyweight exercises. I did have some light dumbbells, but something like...
    • BroadCove
      AI and dock talk can be eerily similar.
    • BroadCove
      BroadCove replied to the thread Captain for hire needed.
      You may also want to ask for recommendations from the broker(s) you worked with on the purchase. I'm in the process of selling my boat...
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