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    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      Fits the bill but as you say logistics are problematic. Also still tending towards outboards.
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      Hippocampus reacted to Snapdragon III's post in the thread Boater’s evolution with Like Like.
      These are all very expensive options, but a few more companies to check out are. -Moose Boats -Eagle Craft -Costal Craft -ACI boats...
    • H
      We came very close to buying a puffin. A Dutch Fe sailboat before deciding on the outbound. Then went through investigation of suitable...
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      Because a steel ship is not known to many on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and also in other parts of Europe, I want to share...
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      Hippocampus reacted to Nick14's post in the thread Boater’s evolution with Like Like.
      There are several U.S. dealers for Kingfisher boats, in Washington, Oregon, and the Midwest. None that I could find on the East coast...
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      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      Same reasons I don’t like saildrives. Multiple dissimilar metals sitting in salt all the time, a big gasket to worry about, another...
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      In Friday’s conversations they seem to be open to taking the hull/house they are using for fire boats and convert it to fish offshore...
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      Trying to stay with OBs and boats that are very fishable. Don’t like I/Os and don’t like Volvo.
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      Kingfisher seems to be Canadian. How much of a hassle is importation? One of the issues I face is there’s a paucity of builders on the...
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      Thanks for your comments Snap. Much to think about. I’m still on the fence and still actively considering non tubed commercial grade...
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      FYI from metal shark to see current evolution of defender class US COAST GUARD RBS-II CONFIGURATION In addition to its prominent...
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      I tentatively spec’d 100% foam as I’m starting with a 29’ hull in the gsa line so comes that way to my it DOESNT come...
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      Ok I was “backwards”. mea culpa. Feel better
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      We maybe splitting hairs. Yes there’s a small air bladder inside the D shaped foam with the FAST system. It doesn’t have any of the...
      • IMG_0480.jpeg
    • H
      Hippocampus replied to the thread Boater’s evolution.
      For small cats take a look at hyfoil. Marketed in hybrid with 465nm range. But strictly a day bat and not really fishable.
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