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    • H
      Helmsman replied to the thread The New Helmsman 46.
      That is an awesome looking boat. The hinged PH door is probably for the class A rating?
    • H
      Helmsman replied to the thread Video of Allegro.
      That’s crazy. It actually looked like a hard top to me.
    • H
      Helmsman replied to the thread Video of Allegro.
      Nice! The hard top looks great.
    • H
      Hi there. Welcome to the forum! Best to give the request a bit of time. The boats have changed over the years with the continuous...
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      Helmsman reacted to Altair38's post in the thread Helmsman Hacks with Like Like.
      I am awaiting the arrival of my new Helmsman 38E Hull #62. It has left Shanghai and is scheduled to arrive in Charleston on 9/29. Big...
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      Helmsman reacted to amxr39's post in the thread Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61 with Like Like.
      No, I can only add the air conditioner to the inverter additionally. Please look back on my posts and you will see the interlocked...
    • H
      Helmsman replied to the thread Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61.
      I like the interlock switch. I assume the interlock powers SP1 which then powers SP2 with the transfer switch on the panel? That...
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      I am so sorry to hear this. Doug and Patti were so generous with their thoughts and advice as our boats were being built. The sense of...
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      Helmsman reacted to HeadedToTexas's post in the thread Helmsman Hacks with Like Like.
      Man, sloppy reading on my part. That's where our pumps are too, but our batteries are (for now) in the lazarette instead of aft of the...
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      Helmsman replied to the thread Helmsman Hacks.
      My stateroom AC thru hull is in the same place your salon AC is. My salon AC is port side forward of the house bank, making it a little...
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      Helmsman replied to the thread Our Helmsman 43E.
      The two RC’s are best split between the two 30 amp feeds (7,200 watts) On my 38e, the induction stove, salon rc, and one other smaller...
    • H
      Helmsman replied to the thread Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61.
      I really like the Cerbo being up top. Easy to check quickly without going into the cabin. The area behind the helm seat is a good place...
    • H
      Helmsman replied to the thread Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61.
      Congratulations! Beautiful boat. I wouldn’t rely on the 100% battery charge report. Look at the actual voltage. That will be more...
    • H
      The one issue I ran into was that the IPad needs to be set to “always on” within the SiOnyx application. Otherwise, it may shut off at...
    • H
      John, Thanks for posting this. That looks like a nice piece of hardware. Do you have it physically connected to a chart plotter? Does it...
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