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    • R
      Ric replied to the thread Rail netting.
      There are some nuances to deal with on the plastic netting, notably if you need to reshape the bottom you will want to melt the cut ends...
    • R
      Ric replied to the thread Rail netting.
      We tried nylon netting and it was expensive and cumbersome. For the last couple of boats we've used this, affixed with small zip ties...
      • Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 10.55.38 AM.png
    • R
      Ric replied to the thread Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61.
      I've had them for privacy screens on our diesel duck since 2019 with no failures to date.
    • R
      Ric replied to the thread Helmsman Hacks.
      We've used one of these for years. On the H38S it is great for reaching canvas tracks, snaps, and zippers, or working on the overhead in...
      • Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 3.37.30 PM.png
    • R
      Ric replied to the thread Should we purchase a Helmsman?.
      We used the Weaver Industries removable dinghy chocks for a Whaly 370 dinghy, 12'2". I wanted a solid dinghy for fish spine and crab...
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