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      50 minutes after your PM, I sent you a PM in response. Check your TF mail. Send me an email or a PM as to what time is good for you.
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      luna replied to the thread Dragging Anchor.
      Well it looks like the O’dark 30 wind shift, now from the North in Buccaneer Bay claims yet another victim. Even trying to hide behind...
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      The Prolso appears to be a sophisticated switch that is intended to connect the charge current to first the start battery and once that...
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      Determining the safe max. output of an alternator can be complex or if you are comfortable with using the alternator temperature sensor...
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      Ok, let’s not talk about the 2-32 V alternators anymore and just accept the fact that they are going to continue to be utilized although...
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      That is one way to do it and a Blue Seas ACR should fit the bill. I don't know how much good it would do, as the existing 12 V...
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      luna replied to the thread Seawater intake strainer.
      Have you had a look through Spences Marine in Tsehum Harbour? If no joy, I would consider a...
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      What voltage are the starters on the main engines? If they are not 12 Volts, what device charges the batteries for them?
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      Marinco makes a small plug/receptacle set that is rated at 40 amps, they also have one at 70 Amps...
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      I use one of these. Although I only tow about...
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      This seems like a rather odd question as it would be unusual for an electrical system not to charge the inverter bank while running the...
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      In the externally regulated example given above, where does the alternator's B+ terminal connect. Does the location of the regulator...
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      luna replied to the thread Wave Heights.
      Steve If one knot equals 1.69 feet per second then at 12 knots the wave crest would be moving 20.28 feet per second. If the waves are...
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      luna replied to the thread Wave Heights.
      But isn’t that standing wave moving through the water? I see them all the time in tidal passes where the water is moving at 8 to 15...
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      luna replied to the thread Wave Heights.
      The OP questioned his boats abilities when subjected to 5’-7’ waves at 8 seconds. I picked 6’ as it’s kinda in the middle. You seem to...
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