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    bowball replied to the thread Friday Harbor Moorage Issues.
    I assume that satellite picture is misleading since a barge is moored on the angled dock - so none of the end was capable of being used...
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    bowball replied to the thread Fleming 55 v Fleming 65.
    Incidentally, the Australian couple that lives about their Fleming, Freja, started with a 55 then a 65 and and now just took delivery...
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    bowball replied to the thread Fleming 55 v Fleming 65.
    The two advantages in the 58 is that actually engine headroom is higher in the 58 than the 65, though access is good in both, and the 58...
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    bowball replied to the thread Fleming 55 v Fleming 65.
    Did you ever consider the mid ship 58? I’m wondering if that is a better configuration or boat than the traditional 65. The 58 has a...
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    The problem Kevin is that we really need strength exercises as well for many reasons including bone density and that isn’t as possible...
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    Has anyone thought about this more for strength training? Maybe dumbbells on aft cockpit? There is difficult shore access many places...
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    Seems like he disappeared after this post. I wonder if he ever bought a boat and is out cruising?
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