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  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress reacted to Comodave's post in the thread Blackwater line replacement with Like Like.
    I replaced the head in our boat with a Raritan Marine Elegance. The ME can use either 1” or 1.5” discharge hose. I use 1” and ran it...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress replied to the thread Marine Plumber Needed.
    The dockmaster at your marina will know who to call. But before you pay a plumber who'll prob'ly start by doing this, put a LITTLE red...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress replied to the thread Mainship 430 Tank Vent Caps.
    Facebook has a Mainship owners discussion site where you're most likely to find the answers you're looking for. You' ll have to join to...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress replied to the thread Pump out question.
    Don't do ANYTHING involving the vent DURING pumpout! Spraying water at it may not completely block it, but it reduces the amount of air...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress replied to the thread Pump out question.
    One more thought about tank vents: The vent thru-hulls boat builders use on holding tank vents are actually designed to keep sea water...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress replied to the thread Pump out question.
    Don't even THINK of trying that! Tank Vents101 All tanks--water, fuel and waste--on a boat have vents. They all have two main...
  • HeadMistress
    I rerouted the drain lines on my boats to go directly overboard via a new thru-hull instead of into a drain pan. Never had a problem...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress reacted to Turtle Blues's post in the thread Cracks in coolant hose with Like Like.
    Not meant to be snarky but don't overthink it. Replace in kind, new hose, new marine full ss clamps, and enjoy another 10 years or so...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress replied to the thread Holding tank filter.
    That they cannot be managed aerobically to PREVENT odor from being generated Is one of the reasons why bladder tanks aren't recommended...
  • HeadMistress
    Don't forget the vent on the outside, if it has the small holes, they can get plugged with wax, or bugs. This solved my problem with...
  • HeadMistress
    My boat has a similar issue. Top of the tank and the macerator are just below the waterline and water can slowly push back through the...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress reacted to Bacchus's post in the thread Holding tank filter with Like Like.
    AMen Peggie... your guidance has been instrumental to me solving odor problems on our current & previous boats. Prior was successful w a...
  • HeadMistress
    Yep, you are. Bladder tanks are ok for fuel and water because fuel and water don't outgas.... but not for sewage holding because they...
  • HeadMistress
    HeadMistress replied to the thread Holding tank filter.
    ...hadn't thought about installing a second vent, but i am sure it wouldn't be that hard to do. I wish I could have invented a product...
  • HeadMistress
    The designations "Fuel," "Water" and "Waste"should be etched into the flanges of the fittings, not on the caps, and shouldn't be except...
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