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    Iggy replied to the thread Battery charger.
    I called them a few times when I installed lithium batteries. They were very helpful.
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    Iggy replied to the thread Battery charger.
    I have had a Magnum going on 4 yrs now. So far so good! There tech support I must say is very good. I have a few Victron products and I...
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    Iggy replied to the thread NMEA 2000 WiFi portal.
    I have done with the same unit. I use it with my laptop since it more powerful and a brighter screen. No Ipad. It took about 20 min. to...
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    I am no expert and do this at your own risk. The good side is that both home units and yours run on 24v A.C. looking at page 41. I...
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    Iggy replied to the thread LifePO4 Battery storage voltage.
    I would not be surprised that they are 25yrs old. By the time new tech is developed for the masses. Prices drop that makes seance for us...
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    Iggy replied to the thread VHF radio issues.
    This is the one that I bought. It did send me in the right direction for $50. Now $58 Amazon.com There are so many out there from $25...
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    It does make some seance. Insurance is to protect you investment. Not to make money on a loss. You paid 14k and your covered for 14k...
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    Iggy replied to the thread How often to start the engines?.
    Plus, you want to turn the fuel over.
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    Iggy replied to the thread Balmar Regulators.
    Thanks for the input. I just may go to Wakespeed.
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    Iggy replied to the thread Balmar Regulators.
    Wakespeed is very pricy. But they offer more features.
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    Iggy posted the thread Balmar Regulators in General Discussion.
    Has anyone had one that went bad? When it goes bad, I have heard that the ALT will over heat and burn it self out.
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    Iggy reacted to Delta Riverat's post in the thread Battery Drainage Issues with Like Like.
    If it was me I would add a third battery to power the "house" loads only and leave the engine batteries to only start the engines.
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    Iggy replied to the thread VHF radio issues.
    All great advice, but I do like the meter. A 20yr old VHF and antenna, just replace both. Case in point for me. I bought my new used...
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    Iggy replied to the thread VHF radio issues.
    I would buy a SWR meter. This is simple to use in line with the VHF and the antenna. You should read 1.5 or less. Less being better! The...
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    Iggy replied to the thread Eco worthy Batteries.
    Living in Boston, I bought batteries with internal heaters. So its fool proof due to the fact, how do you know that the batteries are...
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