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    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread Simrad AP 27 fault.
      Found a picture: 🙏🏻
      • IMG_5624.jpeg
    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread Neutral starting safety switch.
      I can say from my own experience that it can be very unpleasant if you start the machine from the lower helm, while the wind or another...
    • loxbex
      loxbex reacted to Keysdisease's post in the thread Neutral starting safety switch with Like Like.
      If you have a Morse / Teleflex / Sea Star / UFlex etc. control there should be a neutral safety switch available to install in the...
    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread New to me....
    • loxbex
      loxbex reacted to RT Firefly's post in the thread New to me... with Like Like.
      Greetings, Mr. I. I sincerely apologize for ever doubting you.
    • loxbex
      loxbex reacted to Bmarler's post in the thread New to me... with Like Like.
      You sound like a handy sort of fellow, I’m curious, what did you refit on the old vetus thruster?
    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread New to me....
      ☝🏻due to relationship-health I do wash them occasionally, therefore I also try to shower e.g. after intense bilge-experiences…😂
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    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread New to me....
      There’s no maintenance available for this model the „bschroef“. But with some research I found all the bearings, shaftseals and o-rings...
      • IMG_5623.png
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    • loxbex
      loxbex reacted to klee wyck's post in the thread New to me... with Like Like.
      Welcome aboard. That is a very large canal in your photo……
    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread Simrad AP 27 fault.
      A picture of the Connector inside my AP27 Handheld
      • IMG_5618.jpg
    • loxbex
      loxbex reacted to Comodave's post in the thread New to me... with Like Like.
      Welcome aboard.
    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread New to me....
      THX :) You´re right. The Picture was taken on the Ijsselmeer in the Netherlands. Interesting to navigate and interesting to read about...
    • loxbex
      loxbex posted the thread New to me... in Welcome Mat.
      Hi Guys, i´m from Germany and love to repair and reuse good old stuff that still works fine or again after getting some love - others...
      • mt isselmer screenshot.jpg
    • loxbex
      loxbex replied to the thread Simrad AP 27 fault.
      Hi, I´m reactivating this thread as i have hope that You might be able to help me. I bought a used AP27 handheld with no cable. I want...
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