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  • Mambo42
    Victron prescribes 1 mm2 per 3 Amps, so that would mean 17 mm2 which does not exist in AWG (as far as I can see). That would leave you...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread BAREBOAT CHARTER AND HIPAA.
    B sounds a lot like a crew list and that is pretty normal where I sail, in fact it is mandatory. If the authorities ask for one you...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
    According to the divers the hull is still intact, in fact the whole boat is still in good condition, the mast has not broken as was...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Insurance and Salvage.
    In my opinion you judge people by your own standards and it has taken me a long time as well to realize that my standards are not what...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
    The reports are not so scanty anymore. Don't know about the US, but here in Europe it is the story of the day, all the news agencies are...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Grounding Video.
    All mooring buoys in the med are attached to blocks of concrete in some form or another. Sometimes there are a couple of block of...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Insurance and Salvage.
    That is true, but that does require a lot of training and even then some people still do the wrong thing. You can be prepared as you...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
    Looks to me that the image was just obscured by rain. Eyewitnesses have reported seeing the mast on the water, which means the hull was...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Insurance and Salvage.
    As a matter of fact...........I do. Did SAR for about 10 years in the Caribbean, then did CSAR (combat SAR) and TRAP (tactical recovery...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Grounding Video.
    And there is exactly the problem. You assume they are designed well. I sail in Croatia and the amount of illegal mooring buoys is...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Grounding Video.
    Also fine, does not change the outcome, the boat followed them to shore because the mooring buoy broke. Whether it was the chain that...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Grounding Video.
    Since the insurance company never went to see the boat plus refuses to talk to him, I think we can safely say it is option nr 1
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Insurance and Salvage.
    In theory this all sounds very nice, but knowing how people react when under stress I know that there is a huge difference between...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Insurance and Salvage.
    He did not test the buoy, he only said that some people do that. He also states he had been on the same buoy about a week earlier and...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Grounding Video.
    He states in the video about the grounding that they lost cameras when the boat grounded, they were washed out to sea. When you see the...
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