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Nomad 55

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    • Nomad 55
      Nomad 55 replied to the thread Cap Horn 55.
      Thank you, we are pretty excited, and working every day to get her ship shape!
    • Nomad 55
      Nomad 55 replied to the thread Cap Horn 55.
      Thank you! We are based out of Fiji, so it really worked for us, well, except for the civil unrest and all of the delays! I’m so happy...
    • Nomad 55
      Nomad 55 reacted to guy with a boat's post in the thread Cap Horn 55 with Like Like.
      That’s great news. Congratulations! Looking forward to pics and details.
    • Nomad 55
      Nomad 55 reacted to KnotYet's post in the thread Cap Horn 55 with Like Like.
      That one had caught my eye but very far away for an up close look. Looking forward to more photos and details! Good luck.
    • Nomad 55
      Nomad 55 replied to the thread Cap Horn 55.
      Whoot, whoot, we are the proud new owners of this Cape Horn 55! She was in much better condition then the photos showed, but definitely...
    • Nomad 55
      Nomad 55 reacted to Intrepid's post in the thread Cap Horn 55 with Like Like.
      I will be flying down to look at a Cape Horn 55 next week. I gathered already from lurking on forum to look at chain locker(boat has...
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