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  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Mooring line scuff marks.
    If citrus boat soap undiluted on a Scotchbrite sponge doesn't work, next is lacquer thinner, maybe acetone, and then...
  • O C Diver
    On some engines, the starter attaches to the transmission or a transmission adapter plate. As a result, the negative can be going...
  • O C Diver
    Another option would be to create a high point in the raw water feed hose before the raw water pump. In essence, when air is draining...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Ventilation in the engine room.
    Might be a function of where you cruise. 😉 Seriously, without a thermometer, it's hard to know how warm your engine room is getting. If...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Ventilation in the engine room.
    It depends: Most engine room blowers are designed for gas engines where the blower is run for 10 minutes and shut off. If you plan to...
  • O C Diver
    :iagree: I haven't had a surveyor yet that was 100% correct. Little things like "no engine room fire suppression system", when he...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Shakespeare seawatch.
    That's what I thought as well. Maybe the OP needs to recheck that he didn't switch cables accidentally when tracing that one. Ted
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Shakespeare seawatch.
    Antenna 7 could be a wifi amplifier, used in marinas to boost wifi signal reception. If you install Starlink, you probably won't be...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Shakespeare seawatch.
    I would remove the sealant and the wires that are no longer used. After determining if you need access for mounting the Starlink...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Shakespeare seawatch.
    "Orphan wires" IMO, it's in your best interest to remove orphan wires whenever practical. It's also a good idea to put in a pull line...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Shakespeare seawatch.
    Probably, by the numbers: 1 VHF 2 GPS 3 hard to tell need a close up of the base above the mount 4 looks like an old Loran 5 GPS 6 VHF...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Imbalance in fuel tanks.
    Has the valve since been closed? Does the boat have a list to one side? To the new boater, you may have to measure at the transom from...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread refrigeration.
    Nevercold (Norcold) refrigerators have poor insulation and the one you have may be powered by a piston compressor as opposed to a...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Shakespeare seawatch.
    Generally TV antennas don't require power, so no circuit breaker. Sometimes they will have an amplifier to boost signal. Usually that...
  • O C Diver
    O C Diver replied to the thread Propspeed meet Singing Prop.
    This happens when the propeller is sanded or sand blasted to clean the surface. Basically the leading edge and the outer radius are...
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