Recent content by VEGA

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  1. VEGA

    New build LRC65

    I have been reading posts about long distance cruisers in this forum for some time now, as my wife and I are also preparing for the trip. I have already written two posts in this forum, but I don't want to miss to introduce our project. We still have some time, and before we start building, we...
  2. VEGA

    Propulsion Cost: Sail vs. Trawler

    Hello Dan, interesting that you are looking into an LRC. We are doing the same! Brief history: We have been looking at an FPB64 for a very long time. As you know, the ships are no longer built and to that extent it is not possible to realize our own wishes and ideas based on an FPB. The ships...
  3. VEGA

    Propulsion Cost: Sail vs. Trawler

    Hello everyone, these are certainly questions discussed over and over again, very exciting for anyone planning a liveaboard. And as it has been correctly described in the previous posts, it is quite clear that all these questions are related to the budget, the use case and the demands of the...
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