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    • von
      von replied to the thread Sales taxes & Ownership.
      I am retired. Looking to buy a boat and live full time traveling the U.S. inland waters on the eastern side. My intent is to stop at...
    • von
      von replied to the thread Arrr Mates.
      Thank you DJ. I have been looking at some of the more boat like houseboats such as a Gibson. 42ft with a draft of 28". Unfortunately the...
    • von
      von reacted to Comodave's post in the thread Arrr Mates with Like Like.
      Welcome aboard.
    • von
      von posted the thread Arrr Mates in Welcome Mat.
      Hello, I have a very long name so all my friends call me von. I am here to learn, Everything. I am looking for a shoal draft, single...
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