Fixing boats in Exotic Places - are new boats really that bad?

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Have some limited experience with pre prepped baked which to some degree can be thought as modular as some areas are pre assembled and glued together. Then dropped in. Usually no mechanical fasteners employed to take structural loads anywhere. In combination with synthetic core or honeycomb vaccum bagged used in places get the strongest, stiffest, lightest hull and deck possible. All work done in filtered air, ideal humidity and temperature. A very expensive way to build a boat. Totally amazing to see the size of the oven in places like NEB and the tech employed. Makes perfect sense for a RTW racer or other demanding application.
However may not be the best choice for us cruisers. Low tech solid grp hulls don’t require special techniques for repair and are less likely to shatter. Unfortunately the above posters are right the big series production builders are building to a price point and with little concern about access or repair. Totally agree the liner constructed boat are worst.
Would note you can build a stick built boat badly as well. Instead of glassing in the entire perimeter of bulkhead or other structural element just tab it in or only glass one side. Unfortunately you pay for quality in both stick and modular. As a dilettante I can see and fairly well assess the important structural elements of a stick built. I can’t with modular. Neither can I assess the quality of elements glued together. I know modern adhesives are stronger and more durable than mechanical fasteners but it’s an act of faith it was done correctly in some series production factories.
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Today’s boating building has evolved with computers and modern building techniques. Viking Yachts built 66 boats last year from 37’ to 90’(?). They take modular to a new level. 90% of the boat is built in house including wire harnesses for every boat. Our 1987, 42’ Krogen was stick built from the hull up and as they say, “if you’ve seen 1 Krogen, you've seen 1 Krogen. I loved our Krogen but it was built with yesterday’s technology. Here are some recent pics from Viking.

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Nothing like typical series production. Also note the absence of a liner. Always thought they make wonderful boats.
Sailboat owners have long defined cruising as "sailing your boat to exotic ports to work on it," and yachting as "sailing your boat to exotic ports to pay other people to work on it."

I owned boats for 30 years and learned early on that owners of any boat that's too big to keep on a trailer in your garage will never be able to claim they have nothing to do, that there's good reasoning behind the term "PREVENTIVE" maintenance, and that it doesn't matter whether the boat is brand new or 50 years old, 90% of the need for repairs can be laid right at the feet of owners who only "fix what breaks."

modern production has a lot of advantages at least cost savings but also better surfaces and cleaner lines but i experienced that later maintenance or refit can be a nightmare because pipes, hoseclamps bolts were installed from a total different position with the open deck. sometimes i need to cut wonderfull wood because a simple bolt or clamp was impossible to reach.........old boats built from the inside are much easer later........and i know boats where you can not change a fridge, washer or genny because hatches and doors are too small
C makes the key point in this thread imho. It can be done right if NA and construction is designed with service in mind. Simple things like using manifolds to eliminate needless through hulls. Wiring in conduit and accessible to run a snake to replace. Soft patches so engines can be replaced. Was in a IGY were main propulsion engine was being replaced on. 70’ something. The saloon floor was a soft patch so only the cosmetic flooring would need to be replaced. Similarly the overhead and boat deck directly above. A simple crane pulled this monster engine out and dropped a new one in.
Totally agree there are multiple advantages to modular. Refit isn’t one of them. Same issue with many stick built. I’ve just spent 10d in Deltaville Boat yard. A sailing cat here had the sides of its hulls chopped out in order to get to the engines. Not simple surgery to replace those gaping holes.
Aluminum tanks may fail. Use grp tanks possibly integral to the hull. Can be coated appropriately for contents and allow a double bottom as well as improve hull stiffness.
In so many places boats would be easier to live with if design included future service requirements as a parameter.
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This is not a supply side issue - it's a demand side issue. Meaning the problem isn't builders making boat components inaccessible but rather buyers wanting so much stuff on the boat in the first place. Imagine a pair of 450 hp diesels (with gear) and two 500 gallon propane tanks- then try to figure out how to fit them into a 50-foot x 17-foot hull with posh living quarters.

You cannot put 10-lbs of potatoes in a 5-lb sack. Something's gotta give - stick vs modular build isn't the problem. We all like "help me find my next boat" threads - ease of repair/replacement is never on the list of OP requirements or TF'er response. Repair/refit be damned - figure it out when/if the time comes.

Peter agree the admiral is the one that commonly chooses the boat so appearances and creature comforts are a big part of that decision. However once you get over a certain size coastal or blue and spend real time on the boat my concern is elevated. Think what you say is very likely true for most first time buyers but less true for salty people like you. Think some brands including N, OA, Northern etc. do pay at least some attention to access and service ease. Have replaced gensets on prior boats where it was a piece of cake and on others where it was a bear. Both had the equivalent amount of “stuff”. Gensets of the same size and weight. So respectfully agree to disagree. Think unlike boats of decades ago which are still functioning at original splash spec and performance the most recent tend to be designed as being more disposable.
good thread....yes the old boats are built for a long life BUT sadly nobody likes to buy them after 20-30 years when their benefit just starts to shine. i still have a alu sailboat 44 ft, no washing m/c, no inside shower, 3 bunks, a solid 2 cyl sabb diesel, good and strong rigg, propane cook and a cool box, no genny no watermaker and its easy to maintain and abundant storage . i still got inquiries from couples who wants to sail arround the world and like such kiss approach. my friend with a 46 benetau has ALL equipment from a/c, genny, water maker and bunks for six but zero storage for spare sails or a 80 m towing rope etc. impossible to use it for really long time aboard.
But for trawlers i dont see too many couples who buy such older boats, maybe here in europe to use it for inland canal travel but not offshore. first most powerboaters are a different breed than sailor who are used to a frugal camping live but more of buy use and sell attidude. to refit a decent trawler in the 50 ft scale you need some real money and later we talk about a 300-600 k investment and often people who do have such money do not have the skills to to it by themselves or the desire to do it. And there are not so many really nice powerboats out where a refit makes sense financially , with sailboats there are some nice ones which will be refitted every 10 years because of their wonderfull lines and looks. I will buy an old trawler hopefully with a gardner engine as my last boat and will not care about any resale value, but there are not many like us .....
Great discussion folks. I am trying to go as KISS as possible, but it’s tough…I am thinking: Good mfd, radar, ais, fridge, solar panels and HVAC.
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Somewhere there has to be a complexity quotient with a Greek letter as indicator. Something like number of number of pistons plus impellers plus thru-hulls, multiplied by square root of number of inline fuses (including the small hidden ones), plus number of prop shafts.

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Somewhere there has to be a complexity quotient with a Greek letter as indicator. Something like number of number of pistons plus impellers plus thru-hulls, multiplied by square root of number of inline fuses (including the small hidden ones), plus number of prop shafts.

Oh there is a complexity & cost coefficient for boats. It's ∞
I like to watch YouTube cruising and some of some of my favorites have switched to brand new, huge, complicated Catamarans. Shows I really like had older boats cruising in cool places, but have now become folks dealing with tons of warranty claims and months of trouble shooting on brand new boats.

As a person who has always bought 10-15 year old boats and upgraded and/or fixed the systems in the first year, I have always dreamed that I could buy a new boat and do more cruising and less fixing.

I have a question for the folks of this forum who have had new boats..are these new generation of huge, complicated boats that much of a mess or are the YouTube folks just making it look more dramatic?
I have talked to a few captains and one opinion is the the sweet spot in a newer boats lifespan is between 9 and 15 months of age. This is the point where the captain and crew have sorted out the issues with the boat, having dealt with the builders reps and assorted mechanics to make the boat right and performing up to expectations. Then the owner can come aboard and enjoy the feeling of having a ” new “ boat to take him where he wants to go, problem free. At this point, we start the ownership phase called “Fixing the boat in exotic places”.
This is not a supply side issue - it's a demand side issue. Meaning the problem isn't builders making boat components inaccessible but rather buyers wanting so much stuff on the boat in the first place. Imagine a pair of 450 hp diesels (with gear) and two 500 gallon propane tanks- then try to figure out how to fit them into a 50-foot x 17-foot hull with posh living quarters.

You cannot put 10-lbs of potatoes in a 5-lb sack. Something's gotta give - stick vs modular build isn't the problem. We all like "help me find my next boat" threads - ease of repair/replacement is never on the list of OP requirements or TF'er response. Repair/refit be damned - figure it out when/if the time comes.


Yep. Above size X, builder feels they need to add another stateroom, and another head/shower. Whether there's space or not.

I get why: market forces are probably such that buyers with family of size Y wants to keep the boat "small" but wants to cram in all the family members. (Smallest boat that fits the needs.) Whether there's space or not.

Wouldn't be as bad if the builder could offer options, perhaps like a 2-stateroom and a 3 stateroom version (for example) in the same size hull... but I'd guess a) they wouldn't sell many of the versions with fewer staterooms, and b) developing the option would be costly enough so as to not really be worth it to them.

That said, our last ride would have made a dynamite 1 stateroom boat (but it had 2), and this one would make a nice 2-stateroom boat (but it has 2, and 2 heads/showers). A 2-stateroom version with the same major feature we were after -- a nifty mid-ship master -- could easily have come in about 4' or maybe 5' shorter overall, and that would have been terrific. The builder's nominal 52' brethren (ours nominally 58') also has three staterooms, and I think 2 heads... but it could have made a nifty 2-statreoom boat.

Anyway, all that in turn impacts access to every system on the boat... ranging from mostly not great to difficult to downright PITA...

It drives me crazy how the selling point for so many boats is based on how many people it can sleep. In my mind, I don't care how many spots there are for people to sleep as I can guarantee I'd never actually want that many people on board overnight.

A lot of 3 stateroom boats might be better as 2 stateroom + office in my mind. We've thought about converting our second stateroom into an office with a kids bunk, but limited floor space in the forward cabin makes that not so practical (the bunk is wider than the available floor space under it). And the aft cabin isn't viable for conversion either as the bunk houses the fuel tanks, plus it's the larger / more comfortable cabin anyway. We have 2 heads and 2 showers as well, but we've talked about converting the forward shower (too small to be useful) into laundry, basically making the forward head into a day head (which is how we use it already).
It drives me crazy how the selling point for so many boats is based on how many people it can sleep. In my mind, I don't care how many spots there are for people to sleep as I can guarantee I'd never actually want that many people on board overnight.

A lot of 3 stateroom boats might be better as 2 stateroom + office in my mind. We've thought about converting our second stateroom into an office with a kids bunk, but limited floor space in the forward cabin makes that not so practical (the bunk is wider than the available floor space under it). And the aft cabin isn't viable for conversion either as the bunk houses the fuel tanks, plus it's the larger / more comfortable cabin anyway. We have 2 heads and 2 showers as well, but we've talked about converting the forward shower (too small to be useful) into laundry, basically making the forward head into a day head (which is how we use it already).

Yep. our previous boat would "sleep 6" -- counting the pull-out bed in the saloon. Never mind that it blocked access to everywhere when it was deployed.

Current boat? Ditto, "sleeps 8," and ditto all the blockage. I don't even know 8 people. Also, bed ingress/egress in our bow stateroom now is even worse than on the earlier boat... since they had to squash that room to insert bunk room and washer/dryer in between master and bow.

And yep, "office" would be nice. Haven't figured out how, anywhere... but it'd be much more useful...

Every hand assembled, complex custom build, has a raft of problems. Doesn't matter if it is a Ferrari, an RV or a boat, the hand built part of the item is never perfect and a shakedown period is needed.

I can attest to intelligence of buying a used custom build to avoid problems. New purchase is fun but not reliable. Used purchase is less gratifying but very reliable.
My experience is quite different than that reported in post#47. The only boat I ever had that wasn’t a PIA I had built for me. It was a semicustom. Other than two structural bulkheads I could do want I wanted and spec every detail and piece of equipment and machinery. This allowed me to make use of my experience as well as that of the close knit group of owners of sister ships. Yes it did need some minor shaking out but then was worked hard over tens of thousands of miles over my decade+ of ownership. Other than routine replacement of consumables it needed nothing. Best ownership experience I ever hard. If I had the need, resources and opportunity to buy another boat I would definitely have a semicustom built for me by a builder with an excellent rep.
Similarly to Hippocampus the Helmsman 46, hull#1 is a semi-custom trawler new build. Being a realist, I expect some issues on shakedown with this new design, and I'm willing to go through that learning process with them. My previous new build 38E was an excellent quality build, being hull #40, with no problems. Helmsman is a great outfit and provides excellent service. With this new model, I'd expect that to be a top priority.
I''ve owned new boats and used boats. Almost every piece of equipment on a boat requires some maintenance as well as the hull, deck, topside and hardware. In addition, much of the equipment or systems require initial calibration, programming, setup, commissioning, whatever the manufacture calls it. The larger and more complicated a boat, the more to maintain, calibrate, etc. A new boat has all of the issues with equipment that wasn't installed to the manufacture's specification, wasn't calibrated correctly, and early life failure PLUS the ongoing maintenance. An older boat mostly doesn't have the calibration issues (they have been worked out by prior owners), but still has the ongoing maintenance plus breakdowns and equipment obsolescence. New boat or old boat, there is a lot of work.
If you want a more relaxed ownership experience, I still believe the best path is not a new build but to find one that was owned by a consciensous owner for a few years.
We have come to precisely the same conclusion. Very recently, I made an offer on Argos, the Heaney designed and built 48' trawler that they lived on and circumnavigated over eight years. The current owner (an engineer) had done some lovely refinements, including a practical wing engine and improved paravane launch and retrieve systems, and the ER was simply magnificent. I know that getting a new boat at this standard is likely a pipe dream for us. Even though we lost out over this boat (we were second in line on the first day it was advertised, and the boat was sold immediately after the sea trial) I still travelled to Tasmania to look over the vessel just to see and feel it.
I feel Peter's approach is the best, and that is what we are doing.
Helmsman Seattle has a marine electronics company (CandL Marine Co) whose principals (Eddie and Patrick) install a full range of electronics of various makes on many new Helmsman trawlers. All instruments are installed cleanly, and calibrated accurately. Should the new boat Captain wish, Eddie and his company welcome inspection and be aboard when the calibrations are performed in Lake Union while underway. A great learning experience on my new Helmsman 38E.
The design of our steel hull is such that the interior is not part of the structural rigidity of the hull.I built the interior for 75% modular and has no direct contact with the steel anywhere, the interior floats in the ship.The modules are suspended in the ship with vibration dampers and the floors rest on rubber.The advantage is that no impact noise is displayed between the hull and the interior.The architect was far ahead with this design (45 years ago), now it is used everywhere in commercial shipping and in the higher segment of yacht building.


Old and unusual can be a problem, too. A friend on a sailboat in Japan returned to his boat recently to find the Gardner engine seized, probably because of a well-intentioned boat watcher's mistake. The Gardner is such an odd engine that he's had a heck of a time finding parts or anyone to work on it.

They've already been stuck in Japan for three years and really want to get back to the North America this summer, which means they need to be ready to leave by early June. The best options I heard last week were to fly "the guy" in from England with all the parts to rebuild the engine (and hope he really remembers them all), or replace the Gardner with a modern Yanmar. The Gardner is charming and probably infinitely repairable with the right skillset and parts, but those skillsets and parts have proven difficult to access. Acceptably-durable and easily-serviceable might be a better standard for cruising boats.
@Retriever I think what you said here should be the starting point for anyone looking for a cruising boat: "Acceptably-durable and easily-serviceable might be a better standard for cruising boats."

Everything else is secondary. Sadly a lot of boats are built for a buyer who may not know (or care?) about the challenges to keeping a boat fully operational. You see similar issues with RVs. They are beautiful but no one is looking 20 years down the road. A lot of production boats and RVs are sold to folks who will either lose interest or trade up 2-3 years so they don't need to think long term.
I have a long career in technology, mostly semiconductors and electronics. I love adding new tech to my 1976 Hatteras but not unhappy that the engines are old school Lehmans that are quite simple and parts are available and affordable. If I add tech I have to be confident failure will be no worse than a temporary inconvenience. I try to have redundancies if practical. My boat will never win any beauty contests (nor any races!) but no reason it cannot still be a reliable boat 25 years from now with care and periodic updates.
Hopefully there will be future boat buyers who will also value the benefits of older, well cared for boats but if not I will have gotten many years of enjoyment (and of course lots of work) without the high cost of a newer boat.

To be fair lots of improvements in materials and techniques over the years that the good builders have incorporated. It is just unfortunate that cost of materials and labor today means a new boat can cost 10 times the price of a similar older boat.
I have always wondered why a builder would not rock the industry by publishing a workbook with tools, parts list and hours required to repair or replace most or all of the subsystem. This would not be theoretical but based upon having their team do this on an actual boat. Assuming a decent production run it doesn't seem like the amortization cost per boat would be that much. They could probably give away a summary version to prospective buyers but sell the detailed version as an option.

I admit this is a crazy idea but I am sure if nothing else it would result in changes to hull #2 for better servicability.

Some of the changes would be very simple to implement during the build process and eliminate huge issues and/or costs down the road. Designers and engineers would have to come face to face with the user experience! Still they might not do things "right" due to cost or other considerations but I feel it would result in less of the nightmare effort we have all experienced from time to time.

I know this will never happen but one can dream!
Post#56 raises a good point. Both the Outbound and the NT have come real close. For the Outbound beyond documentation the owner of the company was personally available 24/7 365. We’d have occasion to call him from the middle of the ocean and he personally answered the call. This allowed repair or work arounds while on passage. He would also help arrange the shipping of necessary parts when we were in remote or low population density places with limited supply support. You get that more frequently as the original owner and with a semicustom to my way of thinking. Believe it’s important to realize you are not only buying a boat but a company. Aftermarket support is a major thing. Phil Lambert has since sold his company. Have no ideal of what support is now.

Perhaps second best is owning a cult boat. The owners group is often very active and willing to spend the time to help you with problems. N, and NT seem to fall in this group. However for NT the experience as been great from the factory. Call them and they will sent you any information you may need. They keep records for each boat they’ve built. I had an issue with difficulty with pumping out. Needed to know the schematics for the plumbing and venting. Emailed to me moments after talking with the factory even though I’m the third owner. Also a helpful chat about troubleshooting on that call. Great company. So even with series production builders there’s a significant variance in aftermarket support.

Still say if you spec’d the boat you know the components. Servicing is made much easier. You have a reasonable expectation those parts will still be commonly available and your builder can source them for you if you can’t yourself. I disagree about fine tuning a vessel. Have had multiple used boats. Not one was fully tuned. From simple things such as swinging a compass or setting up DSC to more complicated things such as timing or injectors. You just don’t know what the prior owner has done (wiring is a sore thumb ) or not done (not flushing coolant adequately and such). You can commonly see watermakers that haven’t been run in years or chart and mfd with no current updates. Shaking out a new boat is definitely easier. The majority of it is done by any good builder. What you do is done with extensive builder support. Used boats you may or may not get builder support so pick your company wisely.
Our latest was semi custom. Unfortunately the company owner we signed with had to sell the business early on in our build, for health reasons. No ones fault, just how life is.
That left us with a way less experienced build team. Some mistakes were made but mostly corrected prior to launch, and a few corrected after. Some after intervention by the NA. Recently that has been on our dime as my American friends say.
Overall we are super happy with the boat.
We are close to two years on the water now and remarkably, there is nothing at all on the to do list. Perhaps we are in the sweet spot for this boat.
Slowly coming to believe this thread is an argument for metal boats. Unlike solid grp, core or prepreg it’s much easier to deconstruct and reconstruct metal. Still interior access remains an issue. Seems there’s two schools. Old school is to allow an air space between metal and interior. Thinking is with appropriate limber holes and air circulation standing water or moisture is controlled. Some now suggest appropriate coatings inside as well as out and non hydroscopic closed cell foam as an additional barrier sprayed through the entire interior. Don’t know enough to decide. But do know of metal hulls decades old with no evidence of rust, oxidation, electrolysis or corrosion where owners tell me maintenance was no greater than grp using either thinking.
IMO both new boatscand new motorhomes are similar and require some debugging period. Some are more extensive than others but anyone expecting to buy new and start out on an extended journey (land or water) risks serious disappointment.
Both can require one or more return trips to dealers as ND/ or factory to resolve issues. Whether issues are minor or major and few or many is somewhat luck of the draw.
There are too many stories of new owners losing the better part of a season trying to get systems operating correctly.
I have bought new cars but won't touch a new boat or motorhome... partly due to potential problems but also due to high depreciation rates. Relatively new but used is my preference by far.

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