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Moderator Emeritus
Jul 2, 2015
Au Gres, MI
Vessel Name
Black Dog
Vessel Make
Formula 41PC
As of May 5th we will have an additional crew member for Black Dog. Joining my wife Sandy, our 10 year old black lab Radar will be the 7 week old black lab Bosun. We are very excited to be adding a puppy, well I am anyway. My wife a bit less but she is still supportive. We have been busy puppy proofing our house in preparation for the big event.


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"Bosun...." I love the name! Great picture too - I can almost smell the puppy breath

Very nice!

We've been thinking to downsize our (probable) next dog. Previous Collie (mix), Pyr, and Goldens were great, but those sizes are getting to be a bit much for us these days. Something like a laid-back Golden or a Lab female but more in the 40-lb range would be nifty.

No "doodles" of various flavors (although I guess I could just call the result whatever I want to). Thought a Duck Toller might be an option, but they're not known for laid-back-hood-ness.

But in general, we're more inclined to go the rescue route, anyway... where you get what you get. Thought about an American Water or Boykin Spaniel... or maybe a Portuguese... but don't really see those in the rescue market.

Nothing happening soon; we're nursing our geriatric (21-years-old) boat cat as we speak...

Most start as a "deckhand" so nice to be promoted to Bosun so quickly! Looks to be a bundle of joy and will make a good companion to the existing crew.
He will be grateful for having a great home.
Mr. r. Re: Your post #5. I hear you about the size AND the energy level. We've had remarkable success with our last 3 adoptions, all rescues. Great dogs all. We (or probably me) tend to prefer larger dogs as I've noticed the majority of small dogs tend to be quite vocal which is a no-no, for us. We've also found the hound breeds to be particularly "laid back" BUT size is an issue.
We prefer larger too... don't like to bend over to pat the rascal on the headbone... :)

But we've had to physically haul soggy dogs back onboard before, too, and we're thinking we're just not up to the task if the critter weighs much more than about 40 lbs...

Yep, yappy (or serious baying, from an active hound) won't cut it! (Haven't really had baying issues, except for sometimes the beagles we've been around. Good dogs, though... and they were working, at the time.)

We're not really actively looking, though... partly in deference to the boat cat (although she loved our last Golden)... we'll see how it goes...

We only do big dogs. I would like to get a Great Dane but my wife doesn’t want that big of a dog. We had a 122 pound black lab before we got Radar. He is only 90 pounds.
Some (much younger) boat neighbors had a pair of Great Danes, pretty nifty. They could both walk from the cockpit onto the dinghy onto the dock... without hardly even stretching a leg. :)

He's adorable! We've joked about naming our next dog "ballast". As far as size goes, our standard poodle has been a great boat dog. He's a little excitable and loud at times, but mostly a couch potato.

He's a big dog, about 25 inches at the withers. But he's very light for his size, only 55 lbs. So he's not bad to lift if needed and his fur doesn't hold a crazy amount of water weight either. He's a great jumper too, so hopping a couple feet up or down to a dock is no big deal for him. Neither is jumping 2.5 feet up onto our bunk sideways from a narrow space next to it. Which means he rarely needs to be lifted outside of dinghy rides and swimming. And we're working on a solution for him to be able to walk down to the dinghy.
When I was little I wanted a dog very badly. My parents got me a Chihuahua. I thought it was a rat at first and ever since I have wanted big dogs. I think Great Danes are a neat breed but alas my wife thinks we are a bit old for such a large dog. So I will happily settle for another black lab. They are also a great breed.
Time to start potty training on an artificial turf spot on the boat!
What a cutie!

Soon he will lose the needle teeth - :)
Cannot wait for the tooth loss. He is doing pretty good on the house training. He is annoying our older dog, Radar, to no end…
Time to go to bed now. I stay up till 6AM with Bosun, then my wife gets up and takes care of him while I sleep.
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