Arco Zeus External Regulators

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Indeed. The irony of all this is that LFP really only needs a very simple, two stage regulator. Bulk and float, strictly voltage controlled, and maybe a programmable absorb time. That's it.
Hmmmm, ok well, all the technology in Zeus is not for everyone and thats ok. For me, I like to see the information on my phone and the ability to adjust. I like the fact that I will not burn out the diodes on my alternator. When all things are considered, the extra few hundred dollars spent on the new features FAR outweighs the couple of dollars saved!
Hmmmm, ok well, all the technology in Zeus is not for everyone and thats ok. For me, I like to see the information on my phone and the ability to adjust. I like the fact that I will not burn out the diodes on my alternator. When all things are considered, the extra few hundred dollars spent on the new features FAR outweighs the couple of dollars saved!
I agree on easy management - that's one of the weaknesses in the Wakespeed if you don't have an Android phone. And I agree that temp sensing is essential.
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