A Good Day Aboard

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Out for the first run of the year, fuel run. About an hour to the closest dock with diesel and pumped in 370 gallons. Took a while, their pumps are not fast. Paid the bill and back home we went. Got there about half past noon and returned 5:30.

Engines started right up after 6 months of sitting and ran strong and smooth as usual. Good half day on the river - :)

Congrats! :speed boat: :dance:
The following is a post I made last night on the Nordhavn Dreamers web-site which I thought some people considering buying a trawler may appreciate and see use as a little push to move on with your decision. I hope you enjoy!

Things are little quiet on the dreamers site this week so I thought a short post with the theme of "if we can do it, anyone can" was in order to help those with any doubts about testing the Nordhavn waters. For those who do not remember who we are, we previously owned N4050 and N4061 located in southern California and lived aboard (part time) for about five years until life hit us hard and we had sell the boat. Four years of medical issues didn't allow much time for dreaming but the little dreaming I did do combined with staying in touch with the new owners of N4061 and Jeff Merrill at PAE helped me get through some rough times.

Fast forward to earlier this year we decided it was time to try and get our lives back. A number of lingering medical issues would limit out ability to travel far in a car or airplane so the next best plan was another boat with all the comforts of home. N3522 became the answer as we slowly test the waters and see how far we can venture. Talk about therapy, amazing what can happen to someone who has been thru hell when they are able to think about something other than pain. The purchase process and refurbishment (mostly new interior) has been heaven sent for the both of us.

Today was only the forth time we were able to drive to San Diego and spend a couple of nights aboard. After the two hour drive we arrived at the marina and were welcomed with clear skies and 76 degree temperatures (warm for SD in January). The marina parking lot was full, like a summer weekend. After unloading the car and getting everything to the boat Mary was making the final touches to the interior when she said, "John, there are two guys outside the boat saying "that's a Nordhavn - beautiful boat". That never gets old. After awhile it was time to run to the local supermarket for weekend provisioning as well as picking up our favorite pizza from Pizza Nova. Back aboard dinner was complimented by a pitcher of margaritas while watching a DVD of Don Henley of the Eagles. After dinner a walk along the bay overlooking the million dollar view of nighttime lights of downtown San Diego followed by a visit to the fire rings, pool side at the marina. We returned back to the boat for a cozy night looking forward to a bay cruise and lunch while on the hook (first time) listening to some more music and just being thankful for another day with a little less suffering.

At the end of our dock is N68 that just returned from Mexico. As I look up at the pilothouse high above and think to myself how cool it would be to own such a boat, I think back to what another well respected Nordhavn owner and contributor to this site once said "the few is the same from the aft deck regardless of the size of your boat" (or something close to that). Its not just the view but the overall experience of just being aboard "your boat". It doesn't matter the size, year or make, it is just being there with someone special to share those moments. While we do not know what our future holds we are thankful for today and if some day we can point our bow south, then Cabo here we come! Few dreamers will face what we have and if we can take the chance to live our dream so can you. Waiting doesn't help anything except insure that you have a little less time. If you dream of owning a boat (any boat) my advise is to do it now even if it isn't the dream boat. The memories you will have will be priceless compared to the dreaming and a few extra savings which you may never be able to enjoy. OK, enough rambling from me for today beside the last song "Hotel California" is about over. I apologize if this was not the normal post but thought someone may appreciate the message.

I cannot express enough our gratitude to our good friend Jeff Merrill who helped us through the past 13 years and three boats. If not for Jeff we would never had experienced this great life style. We wish him the best in his new adventure.

John T.
La Tempestad
Nice post! Thank you!
Yesterday we (the 5 of us) wife, 2 BIL's and SIL met up for breakfast and then headed out to the dock. Took Dream Catcher out past port of Stockton and on to Weber Point where there was abundant dock space and tied up for chat and charcuterie. Left a little past noon and returned at 5:30 right on the high tide. Pushed in in the slip without the slightest dock touch. My guests were impressed - :)

Yeah, good day (half day) on board!
Fixed the trim strip that was hanging from 2 screws on the port side with 5 SS larger size to make for the stripped wood. Got to do the starboard side next, but going to ratchet strap the to the dock instead of hanging off the swim platform.

Drilled a hole and mounted the 1 inch SS tube base to the swim platform for the 1 inch SS tube I have for the depth transducer. At present I have no depth sounder and that is important in the Delta.
Very sound words! We are just starting the adventure of cruising and love your passion.
We visited Mildred Island (flooded tract on Delta) today as I have the needed sonar. Plenty deep as far as we ventured which was not far, just sorta pushed out to the middle and shut the engines down.

Wind was slack and we just drifted. Pretty sweet. The sound of silence.

Didn't want to toss the hook as I still need to replace the washdown pump and you sure don't want Delta mud in the chain locker. But good place to toss the hook for however long you want.

I love re-exploring the Delta on the Big Boat - :)
Spent the next-best six years of my life in Coronado - as a snot-nosed kid of eighteen running PBMKIIIs and Seafoxes for the Navy. Thirty years of life intervened before I was able to get back on a boat permanently and I couldn't agree more.

The view from the aft deck is the same no matter the size - or shape, or anything else about your boat.

The two pics below were taken late yesterday afternoon after thunderstorms rolled through southwest Florida. The first is the view to the west, and the second to the east.

I wouldn't trade this life for anything...


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Today was a good day aboard. I was hoping for the best and Poseidon delivered.

Last time out the starboard engine would not start. Flipped the switch to parallel the batteries and started right up. Cool, boat ride will not be cancelled - :)

So, day after boat ride I go back to see what's up with the starboard battery. Measure voltage at 13.1. Pop the caps and see plates. Oh no! Not to mention no distilled water either. Next day (last Saturday) I return with 3 gallons of water and a 2 ounce syringe (because I don't have a real battery filler) and after putting 6 ounces of water in one cell of a 6 volt golf cart battery it is still dry. Now I start pouring. I poured more than a gallon in the (2) starboard batteries. The port battery (the one that worked) took about a quart. OK, clean up, reconnect the cables, turn on the charger and hope for the best.

Today I returned, made sure the parallel switch was off and started the starboard engine. In less than a second, just like usual. Woo-Hoo! I'm now a believer in 6 volt golf cart batteries - :) I really thought I was screwed. No doubt I removed some life from this battery, but I was going in thinking serious lifting was going to happen.
First Launch

While most days aboard are usually good days, the first launch of a new boat is always special regardless of the type or size of the boat. Last week I was fortunate to beat Hurrican Hillary and launch "2 @ Sea" at Oceanside Harbor, CA. The weather was perfect with clear skies and temperatures around 74 degrees. While this is only an 11' rowing tender there was still a level of anticipation that felt similar as with our other boats. Add in this is our first "wooden built boat" and there was also some anxiety that went along with the launch. To be perfectly honest I was a little concerned the boat may leak. While I understand the construction process and use of sealers "it's still planks of wood nailed together".

I think the first few minutes watching the boat sit in the water were the most stressful before I confirmed "no water" and entered the boat before pushing off the dock. Setting the seven-foot-long oars in the water the first time and getting use to their feel took a few rows but I was quickly convinced this was a well-designed rowing boat despite a flatter hull bottom than our previous boat. Heading into the current required frequent rowing motion but she tracked well. After entering the small bay, I was met with a one-foot chop on the bow and a few swells from passing boats which the boat handled very well. Unlike the fiberglass Gig Harbor 10' Navigator we previously owned and never felt safe in any type of choppy water, this boat is different, feels solid and safe.

After some time just getting a feel for the boat I turned around and went with the current back into the marina. Upon reaching the northern end of the marina I was met with calm water and little wind allowing the boat to glide nicely with just one pull of the oars. Cruising around listening to some Bosa Nova music with the warm sunshine was about as good as it gets on the water. After two hours it was time to head home and wash the boat before storing her in the garage until the next trip that will include mounting and using the electric OB motor. A good day on the water.

John T


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A new start

As discussed throughout this thread there are different ways to experience "A Good Day Aboard" and while the following "good day" was not aboard a boat it resulted in the same feeling.

This week I received photos from Paul (designer / builder) of the different woods he purchased to build our new electric launch. Needless to say, the photos are exciting to us and feeds our imagination on how these different types and piles of wood will eventually turn into our new boat. Anyone interested in following the build can find the thread under custom built boats.

John T.


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The other day I found myself on-line looking at RC Model boats thinking if this was something I would enjoy building and using. I remembered all the afternoons my dad and I would spend building model airplanes and hanging them from the ceiling of my bedroom. Funny how life can be a circle and hobbies enjoyed years ago may again be of interest. I'm feeling the emotion with the rowing boat. Never in a million years thought I would enjoy rowing as much as I do. The 90 minutes I spend out on the water, alone, listening to music has turned out to be my best hobby and form of exercise. I look forward to every time I can let go of work for a few hours, run down to the marina and launch the boat. Possibly I could find the same level of enjoyment building and sailing an RC model sailboat? Fun stuff

Any day on the water is better than any day in the office.
“Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one”.
This thread has managed to remain open and at the top for reasons I don't understand but I'm glade. In the spirit of posting something new I'm happy to mention this weekend was in fact A Good Day Aboard. On Sunday Mary decided to take advantage of the great weather and go out for a ride on 2 @ Sea. I have owned this boat since October and this is the first time she wanted to go out on it. The weather was near perfect if not a little warm (unusual for San Diego) when she and Sailor Blue stepped into the boat and settled in on the aft bench seat. I quickly noticed the difference rowing from the forward bench seat versus center seat with the oars closer together and second person aboard. Everything settled in within a few minutes as I rowed us past the Seaport Village down the harbor to the open bay. Sailor Blue was not enjoying herself and upon entering the bay with a little wave action she let us know she wanted to go home. After about 45 minutes we rowed over to the old Jolly Roger Restaurant (now closed), tied up to the guest dock and took a walk. Upon leaving the dock SB was calm and enjoyed the smooth ride around the harbor listening to some Bosa Nova music while munching on some cheese and crackers.
Rowing past other boats with many owners aboard resulted in endless compliments on 2 @ Sea which Mary found a little embarrassing and asked why everyone is excited about this little dingy, it's just a small rowing boat. I tried to explain its classic style, wood structure with mahogany trim is uncommon especially on the west coast and people just appreciate the craftsmanship - she still didn't get but enjoyed the day. Overall, it was a great couple of hours on the water together which is something we have not enjoyed for a while but hope to do more of when the new boat arrives this fall. Fun stuff.

John T
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