Another Perkins 6.354 sensor question

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May 28, 2024
Hi all, have had a poke around here already to see if the question has been answered already but it seems that other posters have a different variants to me. Can anyone answer what the following sensors are on my 1974 Perkins 6.354 naturally aspirated upright left hand rotating engine are?

Pretty sure #1 is coolant temperature, I’m assuming the other three will likely be oil pressure, oil temp, and a low oil pressure alarm sender. Thoughts?


I have 1973 Perkins but a different variant. #4 looks more like a coolant drain to me. Approximately where my drain is but mine looks different. Is that a piece of hose sticking up from it? Oil pressure sender usually has a large can shape, mine is located about where your #3 is, but yours looks like a simple switch like an alarm. I don't know about #2.
My 66-354s had 2 oil pressure senders. One which was normally closed fed the oil pressure gauge. The other which was normally open was wired to the alternator. It stopped the alternater from charging and loading the engine until the oil pressure had come up.
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