Abishag Resurrection

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Bob Cofer

Aug 27, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Willard Vega 30
She sat in a barn for 20 years. The stern was rotted off and has been rebuilt. All volunteer labor and leftover/reclaimed materials.
Front View on Trailer.jpg
Hauling Out.jpg
Low Tide on Trailer.jpg
Night Shot in Water.jpg
Side View on Trailer.jpg
Bob - do you have any history on this boat or the genre? Similar to the Monterey Clipper that underpinned the north/central California fishery from the late 1800s through WW2. How is Abishag powered?

Many thanks to the volunteer crew who breathed new life into the boat. "First Kiss" moment seeing her float again I'm sure.....

Bob - do you have any history on this boat or the genre? Similar to the Monterey Clipper that underpinned the north/central California fishery from the late 1800s through WW2. How is Abishag powered?

Many thanks to the volunteer crew who breathed new life into the boat. "First Kiss" moment seeing her float again I'm sure.....

She was built in 1969 by a shipwright in Vallejo, CA. Not sure of the design but she looks very influenced the the Monterey boats. She is powered by a 1906 Hicks hit and miss single cylinder gas engine. Floating on her own now.
Aft of Engine.jpg
Forward of Engine.jpg
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