Engine and gear oil change cycle

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I used to do an annual change from the old school days. Since getting annual oil sample testing and being told leave it alone I stopped. I did however change the filters and that was to make me feel better about it.

I … once and awhile change the oil w/o changing the filter. HaHa

I do it because changing just the oil is so easy and quick to accomplish. With very little dust in the air in the marine environment even a small filter should have the capacity to go much longer than the oil …. Opinion.
I … once and awhile change the oil w/o changing the filter. HaHa

I do it because changing just the oil is so easy and quick to accomplish. With very little dust in the air in the marine environment even a small filter should have the capacity to go much longer than the oil …. Opinion.

But, :eek: did you feel good about it?
I … once and awhile change the oil w/o changing the filter. HaHa

I do it because changing just the oil is so easy and quick to accomplish. With very little dust in the air in the marine environment even a small filter should have the capacity to go much longer than the oil …. Opinion.

I didn't know oil filters were for dust in the air. Air filter, I would agree.
Anyone know what the temp reading should be on the engine and transmission oil for a LF120 hp?
For any engine, I wouldn't want to see an oil temp under 180* in continuous use. Ideally, I'd want to see more like 190 - 210* oil temps. Upper limit for safe oil temp will depend on the oil in use and the engine in question, but typically the point of concern would be in the 230* - 270* range (lower for dino oil, higher for synthetic). It's possible there are some engine designs that set a lower limit.
"Any info on tranny fluid temp?"

When sitting both engine & tranny will have condensation inside.

Higher oil temps will get rid of the water faster.
Thanks. Any info on tranny fluid temp?

What transmission do you have? If it's a Velvet Drive, the only official temp information I've seen is that 190* is the absolute max, and if it ever hits that, it's time to get it cooled down and change the fluid ASAP.
Thanks. I just bought a 43' Defever. Kept taking temp readings on everything on the way to my home port. Port tranny read 155 while starboard stayed at 130. Thanks again.
There is no acid in oil until the neutralizers are exhausted. The Total Base Number (TBN) is the measure. Diesel oils start out with a TBN of 10 - 12. Oil with a TBN down to "two" is still viable but not for long. I just changed the oil on my diesel pickup after 660 hours. The TBN was "12" when fresh, down to "5" at 660 hours. The oil analysis report came back stating that the oil was still viable but to test again at 150 hours more. I chose to change the oil at that point.

The idea that oil must be changed at layup so as to not have the engine bathed in acidic oil all winter is pure fallacy. I find it interesting that so many folks pay good money for oil analyses but do not consider the TBN and/or whether the oil continues to be perfectly good for continued use. I attribute this to the fact that Blackstone charges extra for TBN analysis.

Large trucking companies only change the oil when the analysis tell of them to 10 gallons per truck it is a significant savings I’ve been told don’t know for sure that some of the trucks go over 300,000 miles before the oil is actually changed with just a filter change
Large trucking companies only change the oil when the analysis tell of them to 10 gallons per truck it is a significant savings I’ve been told don’t know for sure that some of the trucks go over 300,000 miles before the oil is actually changed with just a filter change

Part of that can be synthetic oil. The other part is using a secondary filter as I referenced in an earlier post. The secondary filter cleans the oil to a much finer level.

Oil change frequency

There is no acid in oil until the neutralizers are exhausted. The Total Base Number (TBN) is the measure. Diesel oils start out with a TBN of 10 - 12. Oil with a TBN down to "two" is still viable but not for long. I just changed the oil on my diesel pickup after 660 hours. The TBN was "12" when fresh, down to "5" at 660 hours. The oil analysis report came back stating that the oil was still viable but to test again at 150 hours more. I chose to change the oil at that point.

The idea that oil must be changed at layup so as to not have the engine bathed in acidic oil all winter is pure fallacy. I find it interesting that so many folks pay good money for oil analyses but do not consider the TBN and/or whether the oil continues to be perfectly good for continued use. I attribute this to the fact that Blackstone charges extra for TBN analysis.

I have been using Rotella pure synthetic diesel oil in my boats for years. At the end of this boating season I could not find it in any of the big box stores. I went over to NAPA and ordered enough for two oil changes. I only received half my order because they could not get more. The salesman told me there was a shortage of engine oil nationwide as a result of many refineries stopping production last year due to Covid. I also ordered oil filters on line for my Yanmar and they are also delayed. I’ve been waiting almost a month and they just shipped last week.
I had also previously read that leaving used oil in the engine over the winter is a misconception due to the modern additives used in engine oil. I only put 80 hours on the main engine this season, my change interval is 250 hours so I made a decision to wait until next season to change the oil at the recommended 250 hour mark.
We are semi live aboards doing extensive cruising 8 months a year in the Med (no extreme cold starts). Cummins QSC main engine. Normal recommended interval 250 hours, when using ULSD (as I think most of us do by now) fuel, the interval can be doubled to 500 according to Cummins. Based on this we run at 400 to be on safe side. 3500 hours now and no problem/smoke/blowby.Engine oil contamination is very much influenced by quality of fuel and combustion.
Tranny oil is not exposed to combustion and we change oil there every other engine oil change (800).
I am an oil analysis believer. Check the oil and the engine condition once a year. If it doesn't need changing why change it? Presumably the filter as well (little point in changing the oil and not the filter). I feel bad enough about the amount of diesel I use (although I have travelled at displacement speed a lot more lately to reduce diesel use from 3L a NM to 3NM a L) but what of the hydrocarbons that went into the oil? Yes the oil can be recycled but rather than recycle don't change it if it doesn't need changing. What about the energy that went into the manufacture of the filter you'll change unnecessarily? Monetary cost isn't everything - cost to the planet is probably more important.
I’ve been using Delo 30 weight for years million one hundred thousand mile c12 cat not one of cats better engine . used oil goes straight into the fuel tank no waist
I’ve been using Delo 30 weight for years million one hundred thousand mile c12 cat not one of cats better engine . used oil goes straight into the fuel tank no waist
Do you notice any change to exhaust colour, engine performance on that tank?
No & no . whenever I have to change a fuel filter when on the road, bad tank of fuel “ect” fill new filter with transmission fluid ,quart or so run’s fine . Easier to carry than a small can of fuel
Oil change frequency ? fact or fiction ? My frequency of oil and filter change has boiled down to "fall and end of season" We all know that used oil contains metal particles ,soot, depleted additives, acids, a whole host of contaminants.
My estimate is that the average boater, slow boats in particular, probaebly put one hundred hours or less which at trawler speeds averaging six to seven knots amounts to 600 to 700 miles per season, this is in my estimation generous.
Should we take a closer look at the habit and frequency of changing oil so often, i.e. at the end of each season? especially considering the actual operating cycle of our gears.
I'm not looking to be pummeled by accusations of stupidity, I'm only interested in starting an intelligent and sincere conversation pep boys.
Talking to my local specialist, he recommended changing engine oil every 7000 kms and gear oil every 2 years (manual car). So, engine oil every 5000 miles isnt surprising, but gear oil? I'm having it done next week and will send samples off for testing.
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