Diesel Fuel in Oil

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Veteran Member
Nov 28, 2020
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38.5 Aft Cabin Cruisers
Ooops! A friend of mine inadvertently added diesel fuel to the oil in his diesel. He filled up a filter he thought was for engine oil with diesel fuel. Engine doesn't want to start, duh. I suggested that he drain all engine oil and refill with fresh oil. Any other ideas?
If engine doesn't start, suggest he remove and drain oil filter, refill with engine oil. But say a quart of diesel in probably 4 gallons of oil is not something that I would think would prevent starting. All the folks with "making oil" problems are probably more diluted than that.

Sounds like he was working on the fuel system. If he was and opened anything, air could have entered and that will certainly cause starting problems.
I'd drain the oil and filter and start over. If he was running the starter, he was pumping oil thru the engine. Best to let it all drain out.
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