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  1. R

    Forward Slope Pilot House Windows

    Not scientific but a comment made by Sig Hansen, Captain on the show, Deadliest Catch, that the forward slope windows were stronger in the event a wave hit the pilot house from the bow. A back sloped window would receive the wave at 90 degrees and break or cave in. The forward sloped window...
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    Composting toilets

    Dealing with the paper A solution to the paper and things that should not go down the toilet (composting or other) was to use a diaper genie. Discovered it after grandchild visited and had a Diaper Genie. Friend invited us to their cabin with a composting toilet. (too close to water for a...
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    Registration Fees could increase in Cali

    Registration for boats here in Alaska started in 2019. The cost is $24 per year. Separately, as a CA transplant to Alaska, it was our experience that the fees in California typically rise annually. The registration fee increase (which was substantial) in CA for RVs pushed a number of...
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    Isn't boating an essential activity?

    Alaska Quarantine In Alaska, subsistence fishing is allowed. If you touch down anywhere, you have a 14 day quarantine. The Harbor Masters office and Coast Guard are out in full force. The Commercial fisherman have to file a health operating plan. (No getting off the boat, no switching...
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    14 day quarantine required in some ports

    As of today, all entry into Alaska, air, land or sea requires a 14 day self-isolation or a fine if $25,000 and/or jail time. A number of the AK ports will require that boats anchor up and not use transient slips. The state legislature authorized the Governor to maintain the mandates until...
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    Leave a boat in Juneau?

    As for jet service, Alaska Air as a daily 737 flight from Seattle to Ketchikan, Wrangal, Petersberg and ending in Juneau. If you're placing the boat on the hard, also consider Wrangal. They have a good yard with trades to work on your boat if needed.
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