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  1. JD

    How many here boat with dogs?

    They are aways hard to lose. So sorry.
  2. JD

    The 787 vs. ignorance

    I don't quite see it as you describe it. They don't treat every flight as a different flight based on day, time and such. They treat each seat as a separate flight. That's way different.
  3. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    Just getting to what you answered. I would like to point out that most everyone that works for any company can make your first statement. Even the janitor. If they can't they need to go someplace else to work. You on the other hand are painting the picture that you are in counsel. Big...
  4. JD

    Propane Fueled Outboards

    I agree and by kinks I meant the hatch latches and portable propane tanks that fit under the seats of the dink. Not real mechanical kinks.
  5. JD

    The 787 vs. ignorance

    As they say "this too will pass". Where is Pogo when we need him? "we have met the enemy and he is us" I only wish I could exalt myself above the rest as some seem to do. :ermm: Maybe in another life.:whistling:
  6. JD

    Propane Fueled Outboards

    This is going to turn the small outboard industry on it's ear once they work out the kinks and it doesn't seem like they have all that many to work out.
  7. JD

    Help Choose new titles

    Does the new "Thank You" button have a counter? So if the owners think there is a real need to title folks I would like to suggest that the number of Thanks that an individual receives might be of some value. With that in mind we could start using that as a system to vote among our self...
  8. JD

    Autopilot: Raymarine or Garmin

    One could even throttle back a bit for some extra safety and time.
  9. JD

    The 787 vs. ignorance

    Peter, I think the real problem is with the way airline's try an fleece the public with their pricing. There has to be a better way that is equitable for both the traveler, business person and the airline. How would this work for folks? The meat in a super market is priced at say $8.95 a...
  10. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    Not really. Look up assumption and then question. Hell even you with an opinion on everything knows that an assumption is not the same as a question. Here let me help you. ques·tion /ˈkwɛstʃən/ Show Spelled [kwes-chuhn] Show IPA noun 1. a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to...
  11. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    I didn't realize I was stating an opinion. It was more of a question. Your the one with all of the opinions.
  12. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    So we can take that as a "sometimes does" as opposed to "all the time." Does this include when they are in the Pentagon asking for over runs in cost?
  13. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    Just to be clear here Boeing never does this, sometime does this or is guilty just as much?
  14. JD

    6000miles to Rio in 2 months

    Post the web site for us to follow.
  15. JD

    yanmar 6GLYA-STP

    David, That big Zinc is not the one that goes the quickest on my 6LYA-STP. The one on the trans cooler and the oil cooler then one of the ones on the water exchanger. Of the six these three are always the worst at the six month interval. I change all six with fresh, they are cheap enough.
  16. JD

    Wiper Motor Questions

    By looking at the angle you have shorter would be my choice.
  17. JD

    yanmar 6GLYA-STP

    I think there is something wrong with the ID letters on this engine. I have been to three Yanmar sites including Boat Diesel and I can't find any such engine. The only G series Yanmars are the 1, 2 & 3 cyl GM Raw and Fresh water engines. The engine is most probably a 6LYA-STP 370 HP. That...
  18. JD

    Marlow's First Mainship?

    The name according to Marlow is Marlow-Mainship just as it is now Marlow-Hunter for the sailboats. Witness: The new boat is a 32 and it has twin Yanmars with the new keel design. The projection are 3 gph @ 7-8kts and 6 gph at 20kts. There numbers not mine. This is all due...
  19. JD

    Marlow's First Mainship?

    Don, This has been on the Mainship site for the last couple of days. I'm just amazed at what some folks think. They carp and whine when something like this happens. Here is my response to one of the whiners: "I’m having some trouble here. How is it everyone knows what Marlow should can...
  20. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    I'm under the impression that this was the same problem that the BUF's had. Not recognized until we lost a couple in the US after the conflict. The ones lost in Vietnam were blamed on missile strikes but there were no missiles fired at the ones lost in AZ. Seemed that the fuel tanks were allowed...
  21. JD

    Why Crossed Stern Lines ?

    I'm confused here. Doesn't take much sometime. If we do what you are suggesting the boat on my left's starboard aft line would use the cleat behind my boat and my port stern line would go to his starboard dock cleat. Both boats are in their slips stern to. This causes a bit of a problem as...
  22. JD

    How many here boat with dogs?

    Dogs will adapt if need be. They will train their master as needed if they can. For instance the PWD's were out on a fishing boat for several days at a time. These were row boats not power (circa 1400's). They were in the Atlantic Ocean. They did not go to shore. You have to out wait them...
  23. JD

    Good Engine, Bad Engine

    Having the engine knowledge is very valuable for sure. But with that said you need to pick a boat that will suit your needs over a particular engine. What I mean is as you look around and settle on a particular boat you will find it only came with one or two different engine options unless it...
  24. JD

    Navigation Basics

    Yep that was it. A 727. The news media (for whatever they are worth) said that the pilots were on suspension once the plane landed and were not allowed to fly it out period. They didn't get the plane out until they had a new crew come up to ferry it from MIA.
  25. JD

    Navigation Basics

    That would have been at Opa Locka FL. Eastern Airlines or American 727 I believe. Came out of the clouds at night declared they had a visual of Miami 9 and in fact they were looking at Opa Locka 9. They landed without any problems but when they taxied about a bit they couldn't find a real...
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