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  1. JD

    A twist on Single or Twins

    He's been to J C Whitney and has bought several of their "increase you fuel mileage 20%" devises. So now he is making enough gas with the 8 HP Johnson that he can feed the Yamaha. Can't just throw the extra fuel over board he has to use it.
  2. JD

    Any info on: "Gold Island" boats

    Really, what time, where and can we bring anything?
  3. JD

    NASA's humor as to todays non event

    NASA's Voyager 2 Twitter feed, for instance, has this: "END MAYACAL BTUN SHUTDOWN:UNIV(12) BEGIN BTUN BOOT:UNIV(13)."
  4. JD

    Trouble shooting malfunctioning tachometer

    No expert, just what I would do to trace down any electrical problem. Folks have a tendency to jump to conclusions. Bu PM me if there is something I might be able to answer.
  5. JD

    Damper Replacement

    Something that may have made slipping the trans back in a little easier. Put the transmission into gear then proceed to put the assembly back together. With the trans in gear the front shaft stays still (does not rotate). Now you can rotate the complete trans back and forth while exerting...
  6. JD

    Energy Cost, Etc... Split from Annual Numbers

    Heck RT we have enough trouble convincing folks form NY, PA and OH that the way we do it here is OK even if that's not how they did it up North.:)
  7. JD

    Trouble shooting malfunctioning tachometer

    There are three types of tachs on a diesel. Magnetic, Alternator or a gear drive generator. Yanmars drive the tach from a magnetic pick up on the bell housing. So blanket statements don't work, because there are a lot of Yanmars out there. Now the good news. Both the magnetic and...
  8. JD

    How to find a good yacht broker

    A couple of things to think about no matter who is selling your boat. When you really decide to sell the boat make it look like it is for sale. Empty the boat of all personal effects that do not go with the boat. Everything! Look on line and you will see boats with junk strewn all over the...
  9. JD

    How to find a good yacht broker

    Tucker Fallon Bradford Marine 3051 W. State Road 84 Ft. Lauderdale FL 33312 (954) 377-3900 Office
  10. JD

    Energy Cost, Etc... Split from Annual Numbers

    "why would they wish to go to school hear if china is so great? thats it." This is wrong of me but I can't help it. The answers is so they will know the difference between a place and listening. Here is a hint. Can you hear it? As far as Coyotes being a modern invention. That's a absurd...
  11. JD

    Energy Cost, Etc... Split from Annual Numbers

    Hang on here. You are drawing a lot of conclusions. Your watching way to may 60 minutes programs with Coyotes and such. The builder had a strict policy. Everyone had to have a Green card. Now I know all of the stories about how to get Green cards but for the most part these guys were legals. So...
  12. JD

    Energy Cost, Etc... Split from Annual Numbers

    So wrong I may be but what do you call it when in the 80's while living in Texas the Mexican roofers were at the sub division at sun up and worked on the roof of the houses until seven or eight at night on 95* days. But the Americans that did the same job were all gone form the job site before...
  13. JD

    CO Detectors

    The units protect you from the guy next door as well as your own boat. The units on my boat (two) are run on the boats 12V system with a 9V battery back up. They are hard wired to the 12V side but they do have a breaker that is not a throw type but a push to off type. The breakers are out of...
  14. JD

    Energy Cost, Etc... Split from Annual Numbers

    So do some of the PhDs that are from here. It depends what the PhD is in. Anymore a BS degree is almost useless and it takes a Masters to get promoted even at the high school level. A PhD in some disciplines is worth a lot more then others. Of course it is much more difficult to get than some...
  15. JD

    Mainship 34

    All good advice. One other thing to remember is the thruster is most affective when the forward or aft motion of the boat is nil. Of course you can't totally negate current but the thruster works best if the water isn't flowing past the opening in the hull at some great speed.
  16. JD

    Energy Cost, Etc... Split from Annual Numbers

    A 4-5 Star Western Style Hotel as you sight cost $85 a night US in Beijing. So at the $300 a month you quote that is 28% of ones wage. Outrageous to be sure. But here in the US such a hotel will be above $350 a night and at minimum wage of $8 that is 27%. And the difference is??? So for the...
  17. JD

    Small Diesels - fuel

    Now we know why they work so well.
  18. JD

    Christmas Guidlines For Employees

    What's the saying? Once a lawyer always..... Funny.
  19. JD

    Small Diesels - fuel

    Welcome, Something that comes to mind is your statement "the boat is MILES away". I take that to mean it may not be as close as you may like or hundreds of miles. What ever. The facts are that you are going to spend a boat load of money (pun intended) and it should not matter how far away the...
  20. JD

    2013 boat options

    This won't catch on. It will be hailed as being for "Sissy's " on blogs like this just as the bow and stern thrusters are now.:) Real seamen don't need them.:banghead:
  21. JD

    what to look for in a trawler?

    #28 looks like it is some kind of shield to keep any water from slinging all over the compartment. Seems like a pretty good idea. The engines are spotless. Not a smear or drip. The rocker covers shine. The through hull needs tidying up a bit the patina is a little green. Kinda hard to...
  22. JD

    DIY makeover or factory model?

    A 1979 hull number
  23. JD

    what to look for in a trawler?

    I did a search on YW and can't find but on Trans World and it is a 47. The link please.
  24. JD

    what to look for in a trawler?

    My concern would be ride as well. But the engine room seems to have quite a bit of space so why not add stabilizers. $40-50k but if the boat can be bought right and is as good looking in person as it is in the pictures I'd consider it. In fact I just mentioned it to my wife. Sell the house...
  25. JD

    Miami Boat Show Feb.14-18 get together

    I don't think so, he lives in Melborne or someplace close to there. On another note is your boat going to be ready on Saturday??
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