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  1. JD

    Trick Davit Dinghy System

    Hasn't been. But where we go it should not be a problem. I don't think it would be anymore of a problem than the Weaver with one whole pontoon much closer to the water.
  2. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    *I think that is your best option.* You do realize that the way you have it set up that the house charger is going to split it's total 50 amps or what ever yours is,*by three.* So as an example a*50A*charger gives you 16.6 amps per leg.* Also the Gen set battery*is being charged like the AGMs at...
  3. JD

    PM archives going away in 2 days, really?

    The death of PM*was caused by several things as I see it.* One was the introduction of this forum, a good thing. Another was "computer geeks" to some extent.* They did things that were supposed to help but didn't work.* Then when someone pointed out it didn't work, due to the work load caused by...
  4. JD

    Trick Davit Dinghy System

    *The backing plate comes with the system.* It is complete down to all of the bolts and washers and tie downs. The Livingston didn't work because of the two hulls.* The first one comes up on to the bracket but the second one catches on the bracket and will not let the boat be pulled up with...
  5. JD

    Battery monitor

    *Actualy the shunt would be reading the main battery.* It's ground goes to one end of the shunt and the ground for all systems on the boat goes to the other.* Still*one battery unless the shunt has some internal wiring we don't know about.
  6. JD

    Handheld vs Hard Wired/Built-in VHF Radio

    *It's a wonder he didn't burn out the radio.
  7. JD

    How Many Members Are...

    *I'm not sure what all of the yammering is about.* Last week was not as low as week 49 or 52 in 2011 and OTDE was at it full antics.* Yes the graph fell off but that was because it represented one day instead of seven like the other points.* Also you have one person that posts only to OTDE and...
  8. JD

    PM archives going away in 2 days, really?

    Ted I have no dogs in this fight but I think it has been stated before at least twice that the PM were no going over to the new site.* So that's more like 2 months.*
  9. JD

    sanitation hoses

    *A Vac u flush has a siphon break at the top of the bowl behind the seat.* So when you are bouncing around the water in the bowl that runs up to the ring and back into the tube can not get back to the down stream side of the valve you mention.* Thus it is impossible to make contact with the...
  10. JD

    Battery monitor

    Does the system*monitor one or two batteries? -- Edited by JD on Tuesday 27th of March 2012 10:53:18 AM
  11. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    *Tim I don't think your charger can see the difference.* It will charge according to what ever you have it set to.* Wet or AGM.**It is only a program.* One or the other and the same*on all three legs.* As to the voltage being different as I said there are different voltages on different sites...
  12. JD

    Trick Davit Dinghy System

    *No problem.
  13. JD

    Spring has sprung

    *How can that be we have them here in NC during*our summer.* Do you mean there is enough to go around.* Who'd a thunk?
  14. JD

    VHF Radio mike cord

    It's a BOAT - (Break Out Another Thousand) -- Edited by rwidman on Tuesday 27th of March 2012 06:03:51 AM *I agree and where is it you can buy a radio that does what a 215 DSC does for $100? Most DSC are over $200.* $100 radios are what they are, waiting to become anchors.* Does that mean we...
  15. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    *You mean increase the voltage for AGM and Gell. Yes this is true of mine as well. However my 3 bank charger allows one selection for all 3 banks. I don't know of any charger that will allow you to charge banks and different voltages. *One thing you could do is find an old isolater.* An...
  16. JD

    Spring has sprung

    *Is that a manual inflation tube on the fourth from the right? *Don't see anything that needs topping up.
  17. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    *I'm not sure how much of a problem that will be with the Echo charger.* The charge rate will be low for the most part and only as needed.* However matching them all would be best. The drawings look good.
  18. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    *Not so SD.* In the first place if you drain your house the start is still fully charged.* But suppose it isn't for some reason (I can't think of one).* The Echo charge senses the amount of charge that the start needs and feeds some of the charge from the Alt to it.* Now true if you can't start...
  19. JD

    Trick Davit Dinghy System

    I think mine is about 29" but I really don't remember.* If you go on line to his web site he has a phone number and you can call him.* He's a nice guy and will answer all of your questions.* You might want to take some pictures of what you have and then you could email them to him after you...
  20. JD

    Handheld vs Hard Wired/Built-in VHF Radio

    *Rest assured it WILL be the first purchase on my boat. The problem I encountered was while a guest on another persons boat. It is the reason for the urgency on my part to acquire a quality handheld. I discovered halfway through the days outing that the boat I was a guest on had no communication...
  21. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    *I would not charge the start first.* I would send everything to the house from the Alt or the 110V charger.* Then use an Echo charge to charge the start.* After being on the hook for any length of time the house battery bank is down amperage not the start battery.* The start battery is still...
  22. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    On the set of AGMs that you have as your house bank it is important that the B+ on battery 1 in the line of four batteries is where your Red wire for the house*bank goes and then on the fourth battery the B- is*where your ground cable goes.* That way all of the current goes through each and...
  23. JD

    Comments on Changing by Battery arrangement

    On the set of AGMs that you have as your house bank it is important that the B+ on battery 1 in the line of four batteries is where your Red wire for the house*bank goes and then on the fourth battery the B- is*where your ground cable goes.* That way all of the current goes through each and...
  24. JD

    VHF Radio mike cord

    Depending on the model if it is Raymarine the cords are available from Raymarine or from West Marine.* You can get the part number for the cord from Raymarine then have West Marine get it for you.* Mine was $47.00 plus shipping through Raymarine and $47.00 from West Marine at the store*I order...
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