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  1. JD

    Hello from South Carolina

    Welcome, Glad to see you are both Principals. As you will soon learn some of the folks here act as if they have little or none at times so any we can add will be of great help.:) This is a great place to learn everything you want to know about boating and some things you really don't want...
  2. JD

    Prop anti-fouling treatments-is it worth it?

    Where in NC? Which marina? BTW I have PropSpeed here in NC and it works great. We have a diver all year round. He does every other month in the warm weather and every third in the colder months. We are going on three years and the bottom is getting thin. The diver tells me the he doesn't...
  3. JD

    A Pleasant Surprise Boat at Trawler Fest

    That's why they cost three times what a Mainship does. Having a Mainship I know first hand.
  4. JD

    The 787 vs. ignorance

    Funny you say that. Except in your mind, you may not play as big of a role as you might perceive. Then again as you have said many time. There is nothing to be learned here on TF so that would include anything you say as well. Or maybe not. But I will say that I read on the Internet, so it...
  5. JD

    Is the Sun Improving your Health?

    Caught that.:)
  6. JD

    Italian, French marinas hit by rogue waves

    Wow that would ruin your day not to mention your motorcycle and car. Wonder what happened to the guy on the bike.
  7. JD

    Exterior Rear Camera

    I have a Speco CVC-627MR. Got it from CVC627 Waterproof Color Bullet Day/Night Camera with IR LEDs | Talk to George The link is to the Camera CVC-627 but you want a CVC-627MR which is the reverse image. It's just like looking off the transom. With the...
  8. JD

    Desert Island Discs

    Pentatonic can be very beautiful. Some jazz uses Pentatonic scales as well.
  9. JD

    The 787 vs. ignorance

    I also knew someone with one. He said that when the weather got snotty he would put the gear down and some flaps so as to dirty the plane up and he never had a problem. Slowed him down to 120 kts or so The biggest problem was the plane headed straight down cleaned up could exceed Vne. I...
  10. JD

    Desert Island Discs

  11. JD

    Honda vs Yamaha 40HP Outboard

    What is interesting to me is why does the Honda engine in my 2000i genset start right up after sitting for seven or eight months with old gas and continue to run like it should but an outboard will not? Yesterday we were expecting high winds here in NC. So to keep the electric from going off...
  12. JD

    Pick one and Go

    My first thoughts as well.
  13. JD

    Beauty, symmetry and personal perception

    Walt, You said: "What you are attempting to explain and pass on as the requirements for beauty are in fact the accepted rules (learned) for the use of engineering disciplines such as geometry, math, structural engineering. etc." After reading this I thought of something. Lets relate to the...
  14. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    Your right. Why would I believe the folks that fix and fly them. The builder would never cover up a problem. What's that called? Risk assessment? I went through this once or twice before and you would think I would have learned. Refresh my memory, did Ford ever admit to the Pinto gas tanks...
  15. JD

    FAA grounds 787

    Here it is: Interesting.
  16. JD

    How many here boat with dogs?

    Have you tried a Thunder Shirt? They are very calming for the dog. Work for sea sickness, car sickness as well as thunder storms. Thundershirt | The Best Dog Anxiety Treatment
  17. JD

    BBQ on board

    RT, Best I can tell the excuse or problem has to do with the open flame and not where the food might fall. Both times I have been told it is a Fire Department issue. The first time at RD I figured it was due to the fact if you cook on your boat you won't use their facilities. But the...
  18. JD

    BBQ on board

    Sorry I can't be of help there. We do have gas and that is how I know that there is starting to be a problem with using it. River Dunes has a ban on it in NC and depending on whose is there Beaufort City Docks does as well. I have a friend who swears by his George Foreman so much that I...
  19. JD

    BBQ on board

    Some of the marinas are not allowing use of a gas grill while at the dock. The number is growing. Electric might be a better choice.
  20. JD

    The 787 vs. ignorance

  21. JD

    An Accident Waiting to happen

    My wife has a saying, "you can't fix stupid". She should know she has tried for years. Bottom line for me is if a persons operation of a boat will effect me directly in some way I will speak up. Other wise I think of what my wife says and sit back and enjoy the show.
  22. JD

    1985 40 Mainship Wiring Diagram

    Real wiring diagrams are for the most part non existent for Mainships. There are some rudimentary drawings for each model but for the most part it is not of much help if you need to trace a real problem. But adding house batteries should be a fairly simple item. All you will have to do is...
  23. JD

    Propane Fueled Outboards

    Hopcar was referring to an engine designed from the ground up as Propane. Thus a true 5hp. Just as a gas 5hp is a true 5hp.
  24. JD

    Composite Propane Tank

    So no one has paid the Edwin Edwards tax on that product yet? Just kidding.:)
  25. JD

    SF Restaurant hull

    Old Barge?? We had one visit New Bern NC just this fall. It was full of Art Studios and paintings. It looked like it was a converted 200' barge that had a pointed ships bow added and upper decks as well. In fact it was built from the beginning to be this ugly. SeaFair is a 231x46x13...
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