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The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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    What Caulk to Use?

    While the topic is about Caulking my favorite is 5200 which as you all know has many applications here is application 101 which i thought that you may be interested in. In order to stop standard large 1" or 1~1/4 " shackle pins from seizing up solid from rust i apply some 5200 on the threads...

    30+ Foot Boat Recommendations

    Mainship 30 / 11 I doubt that you would be able to get a Mainship 30 / 11 for 100 k even during hard times. It goes this way Which is worth more 100 k in the bank or 100k boat you can play with, conversely the bank plays with your money. Who is having the most fun ? You might...


    The night before last we had an all night lightning and thunder storm the light show was nearly comparable all to the 4 th july events for the last 99 years. We had one hit but not where you would normally expect. Here is a list of potential targets. 4 Police 100 ft steel radio towers...


    Moonstruck. You have asked. "Is anyone doing anything to protect against lightning or the effects of a lightning strike? ". Here is my take on your question for home and boat. Verify that you insurance policy covers lightning damage. Insurance companies will not support claims by...


    Hello psneeld. What you say is absolutely true about lightning strikes. Round and round she goes where she stops no body knows. I have a 40 ft Amateur radio tower on my property, we took a hit it was not at the top of the metal cage as one would expect the spike hit and shattered a large...


    It is my opinion that with respect to lightning that prevention is better than the cure . My friend lost his electronics when lightning hit his VHF antenna even when he was on the move. Towards that goal, I always lower my VHF antenna when not needed the horizontal to reduce the risk.

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    Larry I write to thank you for "Ships Medicine and Medical Aid at Sea" Your contribution is greatly appreciated. One of my favorite sayings is " Worst things happen at sea" there is nothing further from the truth. We know that we cant save the earth , nothing beats a Dam Good try.

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    For several months now many E mails have been transmitted between my self Peter B in Australia and Donald Moon. The topic of first aid on a boat became the issue and after an exhaustive search through the Forum Archives i could not find any reference to the topic being discussed. So here we...

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    Heart attacks on boats Psneeld I write to thank you for your comments, it;s all good .
  10. SOMERS

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    FOOD & DIET. The subject of food for some is a very delicate one we live on a planet where there are many cultures with just as many eating traditions. Each and every one has a choice a Wendy hamburger ; KFC or a bowl of rice or what ever takes your fancy, not every thing we eat is good for...
  11. SOMERS

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    . Heart Attacks on Boats. Owning a boat comes with many responsibilities and you don't need me to tell you that, but there is more to boating than sailing into the sun set. It could turn out into sailing into disaster. With respect to Heart Attacks a million happen every year and...
  12. SOMERS

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    Heart attacks on boats HEART ATTACK ON BOATS. Most likely the very worst thing that can happen on a boat is someone having a HEART ATTACK. When it gets to that point it is almost to late and for some the end has come and you see your love one die in excruciating pain as you stand there not...
  13. SOMERS

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    With respect to the "Good Samaritan laws". May I recommend that if you have concerns about how this law and how it would apply to you, please Google the internet as i have recently just done , we where I found a web page that interprets the law for various locations. In some locations you...
  14. SOMERS

    First Aid Kits on Boats

    We here in Bermuda have what is known as the "Good Saanratain act" , an act of Parliament which is designed to protect the care giver in the event of loss of life which could be inevitable, meaning that person would have" died any way "may be not necessarily in your or my arms. Giving comfort...
  15. SOMERS

    Fuel Crisis boat trend

  16. SOMERS

    Fuel Crisis boat trend

    That is an easy one. Life is a compromise. All you got to do is list all the things that you like to do that involved some sort of expense you should include the boat on you list re arrange you list with the boat at the top of the list . Now here is the hard part select one item from the list...
  17. SOMERS

    What's in a name?

    Where do you locate the ships / trawlers name back; front or side ? that is so very personal it is your boat for sure ! Personally i prefer to locate the name on both sides of the boat up high where it can be seen by the water patrol, "Men in blue". The main reason for this is that i...
  18. SOMERS

    What's in a name?

    Andromeda Andromeda has two stories to tell the second is there is the Andromeda Galaxy being the nearest Galaxy to our Milky Way gGlaxy, by a bunch of light years away,this is where the word big comes into question, so how big is big ? we all know how small , small is you can find...
  19. SOMERS

    What's in a name?

    Choosing a name for a boat can be a formidable tas, in as much as there has to be some sort of relation ship to a story which is see many of you have told. however i can tell you this " Jennifer "that :- a persons name is"The sweetest sound in any language". We decided to call our...
  20. SOMERS

    Your hull type

    semi displacement
  21. SOMERS

    Has anyone added Ballast to a 34 Mainship?

    I have a mainship 400 as you see in the picture the fact that it is semi-displacement sort of calls the shots the boat is very buoyant and bounce around. dont think that you can convert semi displacement to full displacement those boats bounce around also . Here is my suggestion could...
  22. SOMERS

    Opinions wanted.

    offshore trawlers I am thinking that you may require a full displacement boat. not semi displacement which are costal cruisers
  23. BOATS


  24. SOMERS

    Boat colors and temperatures

    *With all this talk about renewable energy. *I have given some thought to using the Suns rays to heat water on a boat.* *I do have one of those plastic bag containers with a shower head attachment which works quite well for 3 gallons of *warm to hot water, get two one for the admiral, *now to...
  25. SOMERS

    How to catch house flies

    *Brits by golly. We are not really British in the truest sence of the word, but we *have been *labeled by the Brits or Limeys , BOTC's *names given by their own *political calling . And to be politically correct we are defined by the *arrogant *Brit Limeys as :- British Overseas Territorial...
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