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    How to catch house flies

    *I thought that we we were having a debate about mosquitoes *and house / boat flies. We could get on to dealing with seafaring ants and seafaring rattlers *especially those that get into the kitchen / galley / your bunk. *Then there are rats that get on boats *a very real problem " *Bigus...

    Mosquitoes in boats

    ** *Little annoying flies. *most likely they are participating in mating ritual or a **Quo Fatta Farunt *<8><8><8> graduation re union class of 888. They like your after shave Brutus. A positive solution to*Little flies*,Go borrow Captain Bakers wet vac when he is done with the Mozzies. *...

    How to catch house flies

    *Ha !. I have got one of those *donkey things he live next to us. *except it walks around in two's and is as thick as a short plank. *Of course you know what is more dangerous than mosquitoes and flies *it is a blue bird with a machine gun. more... Ha! Who is the smartest of them all*? It's...

    How to catch house flies

    Re: How to catch house flies & boobies *I have a non lethal audio booby trap located on my boat specifically designed to catch a booby in the act of stealing my stuff.*

    Mosquitoes in boats

    Re: A good samaritan **In the event that you discover a medical emergency. * *FIRSTLY. CALL 911 *Do not give this a second thought. DO IT. *or have some do it for you on the cell phone or the ship to shore radio. A first responder is a person or persons who come to the aid *of some one who...

    How to catch house flies

    *What i am about to tell you *will be the demise of many VERY DIRTY house flies. **Eliminating flies on a boat all you need is a fly swat ,using sprays works, but that stuff is some what toxic in a closed area, stay with the fly swat. **House flies put on an amazing air show *they land like...

    Mosquitoes in boats

    Our Mosquitoes *can see in the dark your friends B.O. attracts them. Down in the islands always anchor further out *where there is a breeze, a quiet lagoon is Mosquito heaven. *Noseeums are a close family to the mosquoto *they sting also. * As a quickie you can use a spray bottle from the...

    Mosquitoes in boats

    *It is said that there are more Mosquitoes that people ,that being the case you are a target *for Mosquitoes , some are even sea going *others travel first class on jets. *Some Mosquitoes carry Malaria, be warned. *I don't want to be raunchy here but those little critters are bloodsuckers they...

    Boat zipers

    *Hi Don. **Good Morning. *Did i tell you that we got as far as stuart Fl on our last trip. **Bee wax is a great idea *and i *also think *that *3 M has a boat polish containinf uv protection *that leaves a white residue so may now be the best solution. **Don i guess that there are many...
  10. SOMERS

    Boat zipers

    *No doubt that many ouf you have found dificulty in opening and closing Boat zipers* *especially those up *on the *fly bridge Green house / Oxygen tent *openings . what ever you choose call it. *Some have tried lip balm others have tried vaseline all of which have a short half life. **My...
  11. SOMERS

    Closing Thru Hulls

    *Cleaning thru hull fittings of Barnacles. **There are three ways of doing this, A. B. & C two of which, that is B & C *have an element of risk while the boat is in the water. *A ) Boat out of water. *No perceived risk. Haul your boat on hard. Open all of your through hull fittings ,then...
  12. SOMERS


    *Gentlemen. **May be it would be better that we move this discussion to "Off the deep end" *because I think that the dirt is going to hit the fan here . There are allot of angry people out there who lost everything boat; house; car; and lawn mower, to name a few. *As far as boats are...
  13. SOMERS


    *RALPH, * YOU ARE A GOOD MAN !. **Faith, *love, hope and charity , and the greatest of these is ? *WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THE *HOMELESS ? *Many years ago I was a mortgage officer in a large Bank and *i know what could happen to a family who loose their home throught no fault *of their own. *I...
  14. SOMERS

    High Water Bilge Alarm

    ** Eucalyptus Fly Ball said KISS. However he did not say *KISS what or who ! *Did he mean just plain simple ? *I wonder how many electrical gadgets that Eucalyptus has on his yacht . Another prominent Yachtsman said " if you cant fix it" !* Where will it end, a switch for this and a fuse...
  15. SOMERS


    JohnP. *Here is what i did not say. *How about a packing list* *One can prepackage every thing the night before ahead of time slowly and methodically before you plan to go on the boat the next day.*that is a time saver. This saves the next day mad rush and *the risk of forgetting things...
  16. SOMERS

    Abandon Ship Bag

    BURNT TOAST FOR SEASICKNESS. there is more to to abandon ship You have now to do with stress and may be injury or the death of another, if you have to abandon ship. this is not pretty no jokes please
  17. SOMERS

    New anchor buying decision

    *Carl. *We are not going any where fast, the wind blows up side down *and the paint will not dry. *It has all been done before, *nothing is new on this earth,with the exception of computers and anchors. *Archimedes or Pythagorus did not need *a computer. Every thing today is push button ...
  18. SOMERS

    New anchor buying decision

    **Captain John P *We do what Christopher Columbus *and Captain Black Beard did . *Send the " Maison de Chef " over the side for a look see. ** Question *? *John, do you have a Polly Parrot *with you *on your boat for musical entertainment and enrichment ?
  19. SOMERS

    New anchor buying decision

    Let me try this again. Many people have had one time use anchors. Honey did you see where the anchor went? The best anchor in the world could weigh up to 9 tons and no body can lift that thing. I have come to the conclusion that having several styles and weights of anchors on board wound...
  20. SOMERS

    New anchor buying decision

    The best anchor in the world is the one you can't lift.
  21. SOMERS

    Rocna revealed

    *I thought that you would like you know .*24 May is National swim day here. *I paint all my anchors with white undercoat paint, because i think that they look nice on my bow. Other colors under consideration are red and Harley Davidson Orange. **Then again, you could paint a sharks jaw *&...
  22. SOMERS

    A photo of my former days as a ragbagger

    *David & Emily *L 16 a beginners dream. *Who said sailing was lots of fun 50 years ago ? *We did ! **When Mavis and i were first married, *i used to race on an international one design i used to set and jibe the spinnaker , that is, i was the fore deck monkey . Mavis *the " bilge girl"...
  23. SOMERS


    *Don. *Recently you very kindly *invited Mavis *and I to come *to visit with you. Who are Donald & Mavis you may ask ,that was indeed a leap of faith on your part,*because you offered us your kind hospitality we were touched. Reluctantly *we had to decline because *of fear of riding twisting...
  24. SOMERS


    *Greatness is not measured in money, it is measured in what we do for others. *A man stole some gas from my Boston Whaler, all he had to do was ask! *I always leave a person happier than I find them. -- Edited by SOMERS on Sunday 17th of April 2011 07:18:05 AM -- Edited by SOMERS on...
  25. SOMERS

    Gradually preparing to take the Plunge

    *Faith, Hope , love and Charity, and the greatest of these is? What goes around ,comes around. Charity warms the heart. " Throw bread on the water and it comes back *as buttered scones". They are all objects. Value is only an opinion of worth. Give it all *away *only to the needy not the...
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