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  1. B

    Buying an LLC

    6 pages of messages? :eek: Maybe we need an article on the pros and cons of having a company (possibly an LLC) own your boat versus personal ownership. And versus having your existing company own the boat (for marketing purposes ... entertaining clients on your boat is no different from...
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    What happened to the Swift Trawler?

    I like the originals, but I'm impressed with the new ones. I think they created the little 30 with a bunch of new space-saving (of space efficiency) concepts, and then pushed those concepts up to each of the larger boats. The changes are subtle but they all seem to be improvements. The...
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    For a modest size trawler, I think that getting all tanks of fluids to the boat's CG would be better. So if pushing the engines back (behind the cabin) with a V-Drive will help that, it sounds good. Also, if the V-Drive is separate from the engine mount (bell housing) so that the engine can be...
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    Hmmm ... sounds legit for 90 degrees. But a V-Drive is more like 10 degrees. It doesn't matter which side of the gear the shaft comes out. A V-Drive gear has a slight bevel, whereas 90 degree gears are almost at 45 degrees. Sorry, just an engineer's input :)
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