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  1. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Georgia Rep Ron Stephens contacted James H. Newsome (as a representation of the boating coalition group) this afternoon and stated that he and the Commissioner have talked about our concerns with the maps showing the overbearing shellfish lease areas, and that DNR will make an internal rule...
  2. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    I have written this letter of inquiry to the USACE just now. Their contact information may be found here: US Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District Regulatory Division Dear Sirs: I am a recreational boater who enjoys the coastal waters...
  3. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Yes, as long as you have a GA Fishing License. Or you can claim safe harbor - had to anchor to attend to mechanical issues.
  4. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    There is. But not enough.
  5. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Here is a letter jointly sent by our boater's groups to the Georgia DNR Commissioner: Commissioner Mark Williams, On behalf of the group of boaters who worked with the GA DNR to create replacement HB 833 earlier this year, we seek some clarification on its implementation. You may recall that...
  6. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    I've tried to obtain the KMZ files for the various anchoring restriction areas (as were available previous for those areas defined under HB201). So far my inquiry has gone unanswered. A colleague of mine received a response stating that GA DNR had no current plans to make them available and...
  7. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Georgia DNR has updated their maps to show the no-anchoring zones based on the new legislation HB833
  8. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Thanks for posting that Larry. It is official. The anchoring nightmare is over! HB833, written to replace the draconian HB201, was overwhelmingly passed by both chambers of the GA General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Kemp. It is now law! Thanks to all who helped support this...
  9. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Sea-Duction: Hopefully not too upset, as there is still a (more reasonable) setback as well as the need to apply for a permit if you stay anchored in one place for more than 14 days. It's not perfect, but I feel far better than what we have now.
  10. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Some hate Georgia. I love it. And I love our right to either anchor there or to sail around.
  11. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    There was work done by many beyond me - but will convey everyone's appreciation to the team. Now as far as "Little Wing" is concerned - you have impeccable taste :-) A young lady at the yard where she was being built asked me about the meaning behind her name. I told her it was a song by Jimi...
  12. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    HB833 has passed today. Was livestreaming the bill as presented on the Senate floor this afternoon. Now onto the Governor for signature. Thanks to everyone in the cruising community for the support. Here is our announcement on our FB Group...
  13. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Yes, HB833 has not passed yet in the Senate and has not yet been signed by Gov Kemp, so the maps shown on the GA DNR site are still valid. You could anchor on Duplin River off Sapelo, or in Walburg Creek off Saint Catherines...
  14. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Marine structures include private docks under HB833. Something to fight for removal in the next round. A homeowner would not be able to place moorings in the waterway that he does not own. But agree with you that this still favors homeowner's rights over the boaters' rights.
  15. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    HB833 Lobbyist Interview Kimberly Russo of America's Great Loop Cruisers' Association interviews our lobbyist Scott Draper, for insights into how we were able to shape the replacement for HB201 and get it approved in the House...
  16. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    HB833 Lobbyist Interview Kimberly Russo of America's Great Loop Cruisers' Association interviews our lobbyist Scott Draper, for insights into how we were able to shape the replacement for HB201 and get it approved in the House...
  17. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    I'm happy to convey the news that HB833 passed in the House today and will cross over in to The Senate starting Friday. Kimberly Russo of America's Great Loop Cruisers' Association just sent out this great summary of the progress that has been made and is reprinted here with her permission...
  18. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Slow: Understand your sentiment, but with Rep Stephens and our lobbyist Draper there on the ground in Atlanta with decades of experience each, we are letting them guide us through this. There will be another round of pressure requested once this is in The Senate.
  19. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    I think both. I believe we have their support AND there have been several mentions about "all the emails" regarding this bill.
  20. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    House Bill 833 Progress: Your emails imploring Georgia legislators to support Rep Stephens HB833 have been successful. Today March 10, 2020, HB833 was voted on favorably in The Rules Committee and will proceed forward to the full House floor for vote Thursday. Following an anticipated...
  21. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    I've been advised that overnight, our collective voices have been heard in Atlanta and we are being asked to stand down on our email campaign. I've asked the Admin here at TF to remove my post. Thanks for everyone's support!!!
  22. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Thanks Angus
  23. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Thanks High Wire!
  24. arisatx

    Anchor Wars come to Georgia

    Freudian slip?
  25. arisatx

    8mm spectra goes BANG. Sun degradation?

    Simi: You mention a locked Brummel, but did it have a proper tapered, buried tail, 72 x diameter (8mm) is about 23"? The Brummerl keeps the bury from shifting under low loads only.
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