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  1. D

    Pictures will not load in Trawler app

    This problem suddenly happened to me today on iPhone. After entering a thread, I could see image placeholders but they images would not load. Tried forcing app closed and opened, did not work. Logged out, closed app, logged in, did not work. Delete app from iphone and reinstall...
  2. D

    YouTube Trawler Channels

    This is on YouTube but maybe isn’t a channel. And it is sailing not power and may be cliche. But I love it for the glimpse back to the early 1950s. Seeing things that were untouched but no longer are. Recognizing the size of our footprint.
  3. D

    BMW D190 Exhaust

    For what it’s worth, I thought Frosty’s question met the typical standards of inquisitiveness that i have come to expect from this forum. I think that should be chalked up to a misunderstanding followed by a friendly handshake.
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    Bored Covid project

    Great idea and I love the slim profile. As mentioned, being able to adapt as a keyboard amp as well as music would also be a great idea.
  5. D

    Bored Covid project

    Will you please discuss the suitcase with the 24” speaker in it, along with how is this used and what to do you connect to it?
  6. D

    Nordhavn vs Fleming vs Kady Krogen

    Long time listener. I think this is a quality quote.
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