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  1. Rocky

    Wish this had been around when we were looking

    You've all made really good points on this boat; however, one never knows the circumstances surrounding the sale of a boat. Could be a divorce, wife gets the boat and wants to orney and sell for peanuts. With this economy as it is, could be any number of reasons a "good" boat goes cheap. We...
  2. Rocky

    Wish this had been around when we were looking

    Having heard so much good about Albin trawlers, they were on the top of our list of trawlers to check out, however, there weren't too many on the west coast.* This happen to pop up in*one of*yachtworld*searches and*I'm pretty surprised at the price.* What do you all think...
  3. Rocky

    Congratulations to the Giants

    I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I so enjoyed this year's World Series, and I was rooting for the GIANTS every step of the way. Ya gotta love that little Tim Lincecum, no more looks like a ballplayer/pitcher than I do and so young. Black Beard Wilson may get most of the praise, but that Tim...
  4. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Okay great, thank you all for you input.
  5. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Egregious - what brand of omnidirectional antenna did you get? This is a brand new HDTV/DVD combo tv, do I still need to buy a digital converter box??? I'm thinking no, but please advise. Also, for those of you that have indicated you have one of these omnidirectional antennas, where did you...
  6. Rocky


    Hey Doc....I think you're wearing my CROCS!
  7. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Mahal, that was a good one, gave me quite the chuckle. Also, thats interesting about the rabbit ears; and in googling around the net I saw the Glomex, and it wasn't all that expensive, like maybe $130 or so, definitely something we could handle. We aren't on a mooring can, so just might try the...
  8. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Skipperdude - I do enjoy my time spent on the water, however, there are times for us (as we are not liveaboards) when we come for the weekend, only to discover the weather isn't going to be accommodating for a cruise and it would be nice to have a television, thats all. Thanks to all for your...
  9. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Well, thank you SeaHorse and Rwidman, appears I bought a really nice HDTV that will be good for DVD only....LOL. Live and learn I guess. I haven't googled this omnidirectional antennas as yet, but am sure they are way out of my budget, but I appreciate the information and apologize for the use...
  10. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Are these digital antennas something I can get at BestBuy or Radio Shack? I'm hoping to have everything together for the hubby, so all he needs to do is take to the boat and set up. I'm not sure what a GPS antenna looks like :o(
  11. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Steve, If you get a chance, get me a model number, if you wouldn't mind. Will give the rabbit ears a go first, but have some serious doubts on how well it will work, so am already looking at a backup antenna. Won't need the converter box, think those are just for the older analogs. Thanks to all.
  12. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Seahorse, the new HDTV I just purchased has a built in DVD player already in it, and yes we would definitely watch movies when away from the dock. I'm referring to receiving television channels while at dockside. I miss having the news. RT....thats a pretty pricey antenna!! Is yours mounted...
  13. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Okay, decided against the tide clock based on all the great advice from our west coast folks. Ended up getting a 19" HDTV/DVD combo for his birthday. At this point, we'll only be watching this tv at dockside, given that, whats everyone's opinion on an antenna? Can I get by with an indoor type...
  14. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Well thank you all very much. Guess I'll need to scratch this one off the list. Appreciate everyone's responses.
  15. Rocky

    Tide Clocks

    Thinking of purchasing a tide clock for my husband as a birthday gift.* Any recommendatons of tide clocks that work on the west coast?* Many I've found on the web are designated specifically for the Atlantic.
  16. Rocky

    Okay I think we all need at least one of these

    Woodsong....I think they call that "mood lighting."* LOL
  17. Rocky

    Okay I think we all need at least one of these

    What will they think of next:
  18. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    I thought it was a very cool photo, but had trouble believing there was a photographer conveniently close to take this shot, that was the big giveaway for me.
  19. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    I received this recently in an email*and since we've been talkin "whale encounters" that it was a pretty interesting photo. THIS WAS SENT BY A FRIEND WHO LIVED IN ALASKA FOR ABOUT 30 YEARS. * * The photo was taken at the entrance to Katlian Bay at the end of the road in Sitka . The whale is...
  20. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Thanks, will give that a try, seems easiest.
  21. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Phil are you? Can you believe we FINALLY got her out in the ocean, I'm still all jacked up about it and its been 2 days ago...LOL. If I was in the water with a pod of whales I would have literally come undone, there would have been no rescuing me, I'd have just died right there. I...
  22. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Thanks...found it, and read all posts with interest. An experience I'm not at all sure I'm ready for. Mammals of this size and intelligence, dancing around my boat, going underneath or whatever, is probably more than I care to handle. I freak easy. Probably should have named our boat "DON'T...
  23. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Skipperdude: Tried to find your thread, however, not able to find it, would like to read your whale story.
  24. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Just read your post Jennifer. Precisely my point, they harrassed it and suffered the consequences of that harrassment. Bet they think twice about taking photos in the future. If that happend to me, I think it might permanently keep me off the water!!!!
  25. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Jennifer: Thanks for supplying the pics. Currently, I grabbed a vest the POs left behind, as it did fit, zips up and has a collar, which I didn't like at all, made me hot. The biggest reason I didn't like it though was the fact that when you sit down, it pushes up and chokes me, or at least I...
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