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  1. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    After Jennifer's post, I googled whale encounters and this one came up. Don't ya know those folks were crappin apples, beyond scarey. I'll take to dolphin watching I think....LOL
  2. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Hey Jennifer, thanks for the compliment on the name. I'm pretty pleased at how well it turned out. Whale ramming??!!! Had no idea they'd do that. Maybe I don't want to see one up close and personal after all. The dolphins were spectacular. The previous owner of our boat told us they went...
  3. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Mark: I see you are familiar with Moss Landing and you're right, great landmark. Peter: We ordered the name through Capt'n John's Boat Lettering as he advertised a higher grade vinyl lettering. Reviews/Comments on his site from customers indicates lettering has lasted in excess of 8 years...
  4. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Woodsong: Already????? You sure???? Not even sure where we'd go...LOL. Time to get out the maps I guess. Who'd think you could get so excited about something like this at our age, what a delight. -- Edited by Rocky on Monday 27th of September 2010 11:43:11 PM
  5. Rocky

    WOW.....what a weekend we had.....

    Finally, got the name put on the boat (see pic); made the switch in berths so now we come in bow first, and went on our very first cruise.* Actually we are so new at this we motored around the "safe" harbor, practicing, practicing and more practicing.* Then we went out about a mile or so into...
  6. Rocky

    Whats your thoughts on this................

    Thank you Peter, I get it now, picture speaks volumes.
  7. Rocky

    Whats your thoughts on this................

    Point is Seahorse, we can't afford a bowthruster, SO....these suggestions are very welcome and taken to heart and I thank Peter for sharing. I'm gonna have to reread though, not sure I get it, maybe hubby will. Don't know what knead it is, but again, maybe hubby will. Thank you for helping us.
  8. Rocky

    Whats your thoughts on this................

    Peter, Weather never cooperates....LOL We will be moving our boat to its new slip on the 27th, funny such a little thing can get you so excited. Its my intention to learn as much about skippering this boat as hubby, and the thought of backing it into the slip just about ruined it for me. My...
  9. Rocky

    Whats your thoughts on this................

    Peter, Sorry I didn't give you some credit as well. Now that you pointed it out, you did suggest this. Whomever planted the seed in my head, its appreciated. I agree completely, there are many needs and wants on our list that would come before a bow thruster. When you are new to boating...
  10. Rocky

    Local color

    Eric, Thats nice of you to say, but I don't think there is much comparison between Willards and CHBs. They scream quality of build to me, and the rounded stern sets off the whole boat in my humble opinion, its always what catches my eye on these boats. I do agree with you about the design of...
  11. Rocky

    Local color

    Eric, Love your boat. I have always been a huge fan of Willard boats, however, the Vega model is the only other one I've seen in my area, been one for sale up in SF Bay for sometime. This was the first "big" Willard I'd seen, and its moored just across the slip from me, so I get to admire it...
  12. Rocky

    Local color

    Here is some "local color" from our neck of the woods.* I'm a huge fan of Willard boats, and this one is really something.
  13. Rocky

    Whats your thoughts on this................

    Because of your suggestion BLurker I talked with the slip owner next to us and we are going to do a switch, so simple as you said.* Hubby still wants to practice backing techniques, but I'm still thrilled about pulling in bow first.* On top of that, it puts our aft cabin away from the dock...
  14. Rocky

    12 volt TV and digital antennas

    So glad someone posted this thread. We are looking into this as well. Steve, was the converter box for an analog tv? I'm thinking with HDTV you'd just need the antenna, right?
  15. Rocky

    Question on Lehman 120 parts

    Well they are certainly cheap enough...$3.01 each.
  16. Rocky

    Question on Lehman 120 parts

    Amen to that, I scare myself sometimes!!!!
  17. Rocky

    Question on Lehman 120 parts

    Okay, answered my own question here...LOL, called Brian at American Diesel and he took care of me.
  18. Rocky

    Question on Lehman 120 parts

    Where is the best place to buy gaskets for the heat exchanger on a Ford Lehman 120. Pattik
  19. Rocky

    Boat time or do I need to wait

    well it killed me to walk away from it, but I did and we won't be back to the boat for two weeks. It'll be good and cured buy then. Thanks for your help.
  20. Rocky

    Boat time or do I need to wait

    Yesterday, we applied the 3rd coat of paint to the transom of our CHB.* Did a coat a day for 3 days.* Will tomorrow be too soon to apply the lettering?* The transom turned out so good, better than we had expected, given our newness to rolling and tipping, but overall it looks super and* don't...
  21. Rocky

    Anyone ever hear of this stuff.................

    I got am email off the CHB group and have cut and pasted for you all to read and comment on: I was able to stop the leak completely by wrapping the tube with rescue tape and then smearing stay afloat all over. If you don't know about stay afloat (which I didn't) It's really an incredible...
  22. Rocky

    Okay Everyone Check Her Out

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this. As I said earlier, going to stick with just getting good at it through practice. I can think of lots of stuff we want more than a bow thruster. This is probably a lousy comparison, but hubby had an incredible talent for backing up a long gooseneck...
  23. Rocky

    Okay Everyone Check Her Out

    I'm thinking at this stage of the game, practice, practice, practice will be what hubby will opt for. Thats not to say that down the line a thruster wouldn't be a consideration. Seems to make more sense to me that practicing and getting to know ones boat inside and out is the most prudent...
  24. Rocky

    Labor Day plans

    Going to finish painting the transom and hopefully get 2nd and 3rd coats on as well. Am just itchin to get the new name put on. Hubby promised to make his famous potato salad and beans and probably barbeque some hamburgers onboard and just generally enjoy ourselves and the local scenery.
  25. Rocky

    Okay Everyone Check Her Out

    Thanks Marin, I'll check with our yard on cost. Hydraulic thruster is out of the question.
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