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  1. Avista


    Happy to donate, any suggestions on amounts?
  2. Avista

    Cleaning up battery acid in the bilge>

    Phillip, Baking soda will work, as will*limestone (calcium carbonate) which is cheaper if you have a lot of undiluted acid.* Diluting with fresh water (Never Salt water, it will form chlorine gas which is fatal) will probably be the easiest thing to do, as the bilge is large and the acid spill...
  3. Avista

    are dual helm stations really needed

    Well there is a boat seat for everybody isn't there? In our case we wanted only the bridge controls. We think we have the best of both worlds now. Our flybridge is very roomy and will seat 8 folks easily (we don't cruise with more than another couple anyway) and is only 3 steps up from the...
  4. Avista

    New Dinghy help

    Tim, If you need the Weaver snap Davits, I may have a set of the*swim platform*mounts, but the boat mounts I have are for a hard sided*dinghy I think.* Let me know, I will check this weekend. -- Edited by Avista on Wednesday 30th of March 2011 01:12:25 PM
  5. Avista

    New Dinghy help

    We have a 10' sailing dinghy (weighs 105 lbs w/o the sailing rig) that we love. Not as fast as the rib we sold but lots more fun. we sail, row, or motor. if you want it more stable you can add 'dinghy dogs'. Trinka and Bauteck are similar and made here in Florida.- just sayin'
  6. Avista

    1 engine or 2?

    First time I have seen this topic here...... I vote for which ever one you like best! *
  7. Avista

    Water makers

    "T" fitting.* You should dump the first few pints of product anyway when starting the WM according to most of the instructions I have seen.* I took mine unit out, but it was plumbed tjhat way with a*manifold*that went overboard, to a sampling spigot*or to the tank.
  8. Avista

    Shower valve upgrade

    As Capn Craig pointed out just remove the soap dish. On our old boat we bought a recessed soap dish similar to yours and cut an access hole for the valve replacement and then covered it with the soap dish; worked like a charm.
  9. Avista

    Captain's / Master's license?

    I dropped mine some time ago for several reasons: 1. The insurance discount wasn't much. 2. I stopped delivering boats years ago. 3. No longer run charter boats, and don't want to. 4. I didn't want to get a TWIC card. 5. Most importantly, my buddy who is a Maritime attorney told me that although...
  10. Avista

    Thinking of wintering in Charleston SC - thoughts?

    We have lots of folks here in FL for the winter with their boats. Many boaters still like to hang between North and Central Florida to get a bit of cold (for us) weather so they don't forget what it is like. there are plenty of marinas with good facilities. We of course, keep our boat here...
  11. Avista

    Do boats have feelings?

    After I sink too much time and money in a particular boat, I then pass it on to someone smarter than me (they get a much better deal than I got) and I start all over again....there should be a BBA (boat buyers anonymous) somewhere I can join. But my boats so far all seemed to appreciate the love...
  12. Avista

    Best hard dinghy with weaver snap davits?

    Sorry, two typos: the Boatex weighs 110lbs but the Bauer is about 130. Of course I meant to type "davits" not "savoys" I have no idea how that happened.
  13. Avista

    Best hard dinghy with weaver snap davits?

    We have Boatex 10' that is not made any more but verysimiilar to the Bauer 10 made by Bauteck Marine in St Augustine and the Bauer weighs about 110 lbs. Also made in FL is the Trinka which weighs about the same. both will take a small motor and have sailing rigs available too if you want. we...
  14. Avista


    I have only gotten seasick twice, once changing fuel filters in a tight, hot engine room in rough water and once clearing a jam from a toilet joker valve in perfectly calm waters with no wind and an easy motion, go figure. We keep a half dozen sets of those wrist bands with the buttons for...
  15. Avista

    Can large diesel engines be run at minimum RPM continually?

    this is another one of those "which anchor is best" questions. * FWIW, before we purchased our current boat, I called Caterpillar (we have 375 hp turbo 3208's) and asked all the questions I was curious about on these engines.* On the question about operating rpm range, the answer was that the...
  16. Avista

    Leaving the air conditioner on

    What he said!* Also Tim, I have a nice de-humidifier I will sell cheap.* It has a pump built in so you can stand it on the floor and just run the drain hose to a sink.* I bought it when we were re-varnishing the interior. *
  17. Avista

    Leaving the air conditioner on

    Tim, We leave our A/C on (two out of three) when we leave although we turn up the thermostats so they don't run constantly and have done so for years. That said, our hoses are in new condition and I check them regularly these hoses are not under very much pressure and are more likely to fail due...
  18. Avista

    Key Issue

    I have a similar key for my Taiwan sliding door lock but mine is not flat it is round all the way. I went to a 'Safe and Lock' company here and they took 3 days (I think they made a mold but I am not sure) and charged me $40 bucks for one and $10 for each additional, so for $60 I got three...
  19. Avista

    Running two radars on one boat

    One for navigating, one for targeting? That's how the Navy does it (well, several for targeting). Will you be using IR or HS missiles? hehe... Actually I crewed on a SF with two Radars, but it only had them because the owner kept the old one for back up when he upgraded and thought they...
  20. Avista

    What is "BATT PARA"?

    When we bought Victoria she was equipped with one of those plastic 'Panic Button" stick on plaques next to the helm. The funny thing was the red paint was completley worn off the center of the button.
  21. Avista

    Do you worry about fuel prices?

    I am with you John P!! *
  22. Avista

    Help me out here....

    John, The reason I asked the question earlier about the prop shaft being grounded is it clearly has a zinc in the photos. If this is a new zinc and the shaft was not zinced prior, I would say your problem is solved. I would also check the prop shaft to make sure the ss shaft is connected to...
  23. Avista

    Track Up or North Up?

    Course up usually, I like to lay the Radar image on the gps plotter when piloting and it seems easiest to me this way.
  24. Avista

    Delivery to Tahiti

    Must have been a while back, I'd guess.* They want two arms and at least one leg (two legs for black) for the pearls there now.* Diving and sailing are splendid and hiking is fun but hot.* Not much else there but lots of Gauguin T shirts for sale.* We liked Bora Bora of course which is stunning...
  25. Avista

    Engine room ear protection

    WHAT???? Oh yea, what they said, muffs.
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