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    1985 monk 38 trawler-bellingham,WA

    Ahh yes, thanks. I've come across this one, shoulda known why it sounded familiar.
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    1985 monk 38 trawler-bellingham,WA

    How does one view the pictures? I am not seeing any.
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    Interesting boats

    Thought of you guys when I came across this one. Unique and with history and a story behind her.
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    Another Washington State Tax on Boaters

    BC and Alberta (and probably Yukon) work with neighboring states on this issue. Zebra mussels are one of the biggest concerns and their presence in a hydro power generation system wreaks havoc. We have check stations up here along highways to try to prevent this. Not sure where the funds come...
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    ASD 2019 Alaska Cruise

    Wait for updated information for when you get there. Easiest way is to use this app: iphones - android - DFO site can be searched also starting...
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    Anyone Want To Guess What We Did Today?

    From that position at that heading it looks like you ran into Hog Cay? I hope you changed course soon enough.
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    Hey Orca Task Force, KISS MY GRITS!

    I think you misunderstood my initial post. To sum it up I believe it is a multitude of problems. To clarify, my understanding is that lack of large salmon is the largest stress and that things like boat traffic are compounding problems that wouldn't normally be an issue if the orca's prey...
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    Hey Orca Task Force, KISS MY GRITS!

    Am I the idiot activist? If so, I take offense to that. I understand that I have very few posts to my profile but please don't jump to conclusions. I spend a lot of time on the water and I've watched whale watching boats spend their 30 minutes with the whales, but with the number of boats it...
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    Hey Orca Task Force, KISS MY GRITS!

    I agree that fishing sector and commercial and even recreational boat traffic needs to make a sacrifice but that is only part of it. Seal and sea lion predation is also an issue, at least while stocks are so low. But, what is the whale watching sector going to do about their own impacts...
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    Farrell Trawler Rebuild Project

    Enjoying this thread, thanks.
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