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  1. B

    Reducing boat height by 5cm (two inches) by ballast

    That's genius. Apart from the various drinking games that this exercise will obviously lend itself to, I'm arriving at the following concept thanks to your great input: in completely calm water I'll paint a clearly visible mark 12cm above the present water line on the bow. I'll then invite...
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    Reducing boat height by 5cm (two inches) by ballast

    Thanks for all the input. As I told backinblue, tight clearance is par for the course on European canals. New boats that are built here with canal cruising in mind are built to standard spec of 3.45m height. I'm 3.55m and will ballast down by -10cm so I'll achieve the standard spec height. It's...
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    Reducing boat height by 5cm (two inches) by ballast

    That's how we roll on European canals :)
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    Reducing boat height by 5cm (two inches) by ballast

    As Comodave pointed out, Im in Europe. The route I'm going to take through France has 349 bridges with a clearance height of 3.5m. We can assume that this is precise, these are well-travelled canals. With all movable stuff (and then some) removed and full tanks in fresh water, I'm at 3.55m...
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    Reducing boat height by 5cm (two inches) by ballast

    I am going to need to do above on my Grand Banks 36. The boat is the highest at the front of the flybridge, so I need to weigh down the bow by 5-7cm. I guestimate that I will need a ballast of 2000kg or so to be placed as far forward as possible on the boat. My best idea so far is to buy barrels...
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    Lehman Injector Leak

    As a quick update out of respect to the folks who have helped me here and to the benefit of folks who may find this post in the future as I did: I changed the diaphragm on my starboard engine and the leak stopped. The change was indeed as easy as changing a lightbulb. The old diaphragm doesn’t...
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    Lehman Injector Leak

    Awesome, I will. Did your research reveal what that thing actually does and how it can leak when it appears to be a solid disc with no holes?
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    Lehman Injector Leak

    I have an identical problem with my FL 135 and my research brought me here. I hope you guys won't mind help me out with following questions: 1) I can't see where the fuel can leak from the diagphram, to the naked eye it looks like a small solid wheel that can be turned. I don't see any spurting...
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