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  1. S

    Raw Water problem

    Ok. So my BIL and partner in crime and I worked on Nimbus Backing up.... I had the CAV unit on the over hearing engine rebuilt before I pulled the boat this spring. When I removed the CAV unit I shut the GATE valve off. It failed in the off position which we DIDNT KNOW UNTIL we restarted...
  2. S

    Raw Water problem

    Headed to the boat as I type Il will FOR SURE keep you all posted.
  3. S

    Raw Water problem

    It is below the water line and fills up almost completely.. there is a little bubble of air opposite of the supply tip that goes to the pump. When I rebuilt the strainer/valve unit, i used all the same pieces and only changed the gate valve for the ball valve... it is a little "taller" then the...
  4. S

    Oil Change

    Is this pretty much true of all dip sticks?
  5. S

    Raw Water problem

    It's a horizontal strainer. I tried to "burp" it but wasn't getting much of a result. I never had to prime it before when I put it in or out.
  6. S

    Raw Water problem

    No, I only removed the cover.
  7. S

    Cooling questions for perkins 6.354

    I have a keyed type that runs the length of the impeller. I didn't think the key could move. Where does it go? How do I put it back in place if it moves?
  8. S

    Clueless Alaskan Troopers??

    It's sad, but u are absolutely right. Sportsmen are their own worse enemies. They fish and game troopers have never been anything but professional and helpful with my in counters with them. There are not enough if them out there in my opinion. WAY more stupid people then they can possibly...
  9. S

    Raw Water problem

    I am tryin the paper tonight or tomorrow.... What is RTV?
  10. S

    Raw Water problem

    Thats what I believe! And thats my usual operating motto.. I ALWAYS figured it was something I screwed up...LOL It was totally working BEFORE I messed with it... Only changed the gasket on the one pump (not working now) and had the water lines off the one non functioning cooling system...
  11. S

    Oil Change

    I got the 2.5 gal version I posted in the first post. I found one locally, but it was $173 AT HALF PRICE! I could have got it cheaper online, but the shipping and time it takes didnt make money sense... BUT, it worked like a CHAMP! HIGHLY recommended!
  12. S

    Raw Water problem

    All I removed was the over plate and the rubber impeller, everything else was as it was before. I have a feeling its the gasket or and air leak like you said. The other possibility I am leaning towards is that the ball valve i put in is taller then the old failed gate valve i replaced...
  13. S

    Cooling questions for perkins 6.354

    I did lube the veins with the grease that came with the impeller. As for the hieght of the thru hull, its the same as when before except that I replaced the gate valve with a ball valve.
  14. S

    Raw Water problem

    The wear plate is the part that bends the blades and "pumps" the water out, correct? We noticed that part and as we had never taken one apart we "conjured up" that that was what it did... Doesnt look like it can come out on mine... but it may... it certainly didnt come out while it was...
  15. S

    Raw Water problem

    The inside of the houseing was nice and smooth
  16. S

    Raw Water problem

    Yeah, i put one in and it matched the one i took out exactly...
  17. S

    Raw Water problem

    I thought of that... but would the heat exchanger blockage stop the water form coming in to the impeller...
  18. S

    Cooling questions for perkins 6.354

    I can see clearly thru the strainer and the water goes in and out easily, i removed the supply tube and covered the barbed end with my hand and I can easily blow the water in and out of the strainer and thru hull.
  19. S

    Cooling questions for perkins 6.354

    But it was working when i pulled a couple weeks ago and once I replaced the impeller and put new thru valve in it and put it back it, it hasnt got water since.. seems like too much of a coincidence to me...
  20. S

    Cooling questions for perkins 6.354

    Thats what I thought, so I removed the supply hose, covered the barbed tip with my hand and blew thru the top access (dont make fun of me here) and I could EASILY blow the water out of the strainer and thru the thru hull and it quickly filled back up... Plus I just had it out of the water last...
  21. S

    Raw Water problem

    Hadnt checked that... would it be visibly slipping, or would I hear it?
  22. S

    Cooling questions for perkins 6.354

    I tried that, but it doesnt over flow... So i added water too it with the valve off so it wouldnt run back into the ocean, and had my buddy start the engine then as soon as it was running I turned the water back on...
  23. S

    Raw Water problem

    Thats sounds VERY much like what was there... I will for sure try that as the thinnest gasket material i could get in town was quite a bit thicker then what was there...
  24. S

    Cooling questions for perkins 6.354

    I just did the same and am having a priming problem... I wil follow your thread as well! Hope I learn the CURE ! ps.. same engine...
  25. S

    Raw Water problem

    I checked the impeller and it is running (turning) fine, very little raw water comming out of exhaust and the opposite engine has exact same set up and has tons of water coming out..
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