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  1. C

    Any Synthetic Oil Users Here?

    I love oil posts... which is better and all the how & whys, lots of posts on many subjects from economy to warm up time, I wish I had more time to play buy I have to pump a lot of diesel tomorrow so its a real early start and it took a wile to go thru the 5 pages to get to this point... so I...
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    Fuel Additive

    This is a little off topic but very important... Almost all fuel additives are highly toxic :eek: Extreme care and a basic working knowledge of the chemicals and the reactions from the mixing of chemicals should be known to the end user,< not so easy to figure out> protective gloves and good...
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    Trawler sunk

    Sad sight, With the cost of fuel, insurance and cheep imported sea food, The basic maintenance very often gets put on the back burner.
  4. C

    Engine Efficiency

    Its nice to see that the OPs WOT rpm are on the money, proving that the propeller sizing and gearing are in spec, He is way ahead of the game compared to most :thumb:
  5. C

    what is this?

    Good Deal Dan, it could be just the picture... But it looks like the forward inboard mount has shifted off from where the paint was also, Some boats are very tender to misalignment while other boats are like tanks, I have seen engines that were just about ready to fall off the stringers before...
  6. C

    what is this?

    Almost forgot... Hey Dan on the Delia Rosa... you might want to check the alignment on your starboard engine and look @ the outboard engine mounts, its hard to be sure form the picture but something doesn't look right :thumb:
  7. C

    what is this?

    Hour meters are only good for logging time for service, You cant judge engine condition by Hr meter, <example> One guys 1000 hrs is @ 3000 RPM while the next guys 1000 hrs is @ 1800, The 3000 RPM engine will have more ware, A fast and easy test for most small Diesels < under 500 cid > Requires...
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    Electric Trawler

    I'm in ... But I will have to get some longer hoses for my fuel trucks :thumb:
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    Electric Trawler

    Good post, The OP started out with a electric boat with fold out solar and look how far the ideas strayed. My first thought was his electric boat towing a air craft carrier with a solar panel flight deck but now I want to convert the oceans surface into a solar panel, Now there's some food for...
  10. C

    Fuel Tank Cleaning & cleaners

    In 2012 There was a lot of LSD fuel on the east coast that failed the oxidation stability test before pumped to the end user, :eek: and you want to know how long you could store it... There are so many variables to fuel degradation its hard to find a place to start.... The big oil COs say from 3...
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    Fuel Additive

    Thanks for the link Tom :thumb:, I am glad that everything is working fine, It was a pleasure working with you and Bess last summer, As for the part where I stay up @ the truck & watch the pressures well... that's not completely true... Jed does talk a lot and after a while I just need the space...
  12. C

    Fuel Additive

    Good info RickB...:thumb:... its been a while since I read that memo , The HFRR 460 is not the fuel standard, it is one of the tests used so that ASTM can make the standard, Its called scratch testing, the SLBOCLE the other method is called the scuff test, All the reports I see use the HFRR...
  13. C

    Fuel Additive

    The issue of adding a fuel lubricity product to your fuel tank is some what dependent on where you live, I can only talk about Atlantic east coast cause that's the bulk of the fuels we sample and test, The EMA < eng mans assoc > have a lubricity standard called HFRR, The min # is 460 HFRR, The...
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