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    Guns onboard

    As an avid gun owner, and with pirates back on the seas, I would rather have a Mossburg loaded with 00 Buckshot with the plug out, and a few semi-auto's with back up clips on board. Last back-up, my Super Redhawk .44 Mag with 7.5in barrel, if they make it on board. Bug spray at 20...
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    Trawler or Condo for my ex?

    Thanks Mike, I lived in Picayune for 7 years, left after Katrina, so I have some "Who Dat" in me. Great advice and I knew I could get some great advice from other men who own boats!! We are simple beasts afterall, if women could only understand that and punch our cards on a regular basis. I...
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    Internet Access

    How many of you run the satellite HD/TV? This would also give you internet access. I noticed most are $1800-$2500 on average for about 4 different services at a min or do you just plug in at the marina?
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    Trawler or Condo for my ex?

    Great advice and yes that's what I was looking the Mark Twain comment which I'm going to pirate. While I wouldn't do anything rash like storm out and buy a trawler next week, I do plan to take my time in the decision. I do love the idea of living aboard, but would need the next 10...
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    Trawler or Condo for my ex?

    I did watch Pascoe for the web videos which was great info and I do understand this takes some time to get set up and find the right marina, boat condition, equipment etc. What are some of the "lessons learned" when you first started out? Getting used to the space difference, things you wish...
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    Trawler or Condo for my ex?

    First of all hello from the FNG. I'm 47 and an Ex Intel USAF Officer 85-91 Desert Storm I, and now a corporate medical sales guy and a scuba diver. Dad of two teen girls. I'm looking for a boat vs a condo at mid life crisis and possible divorce looming. Enough background I think.* Looking to...
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